Oh friends, not these tones!
     Rather, let us raise our voices in more pleasing
     And more joyful sounds!
     Joy! (Joy!)

So lets the  active and lurking 1160  or so  member of FFL  sing
together with Beethoven - Ode an die Freude -Ode to Joy and join  with
our  10 000 amateur chorus singers  Far Eastern brother/sister/friends
in this moving tribute to all the victims of the Fukushima disaster.
Let's join in this a striking"Daiku" environment(Daiku suggests a
relationship to the word haiku  but with digital shorts- a portal
between the physical and metaphysical worlds-visual and sonic component)
and performance of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" in Osaka, Japan, conducted
by a student of my friend  Seiji Ozawa himself student of my beloved

     Joy, beautiful spark of the gods*
     Daughter of Elysium,
     We enter, drunk with fire,
     Heavenly one, your sanctuary!
     Your magic reunites
     What custom's sword  strictly divided.

  *All this visible world is but an imperceptible element in the great
bosom of nature. No thought can go so far...

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