Hi Judy, will also send directly to you in case you're taking a complete break 
from FFL.  Anyway, just this morning I read your whole post.  Ugh, this is why 
I abhor emailing sometimes.  I thought your post ended just above my comment to 
Nabby about loving his crop circles. 

The funny thing is ha ha that my vicious remark was about a comment that Buck 
made in reference to a photo that merudanda posted.  It had nothing to do with 
Barry.  In fact, it had nothing to do with merudanda.

Thank you for clearing up the mystery.  And I will say here and now that as far 
as I can tell, which isn't that far given my short time here, TurqB has made 
the most vicious remark of all.  Ann referred to it which contained the c word 
and a wish for someone's death!  Without know any details, will say that was 
well over the line. 

Just so you know, I don't feel under anyone's thumb on FFL.  Or in 3D life 
either.  If anything, and despite my apologizing often, I probably tend to be 
too independent.  The apologizing is a safety procedure.  Just in case I've 
stepped on someone's heart.  Better to be safe and start the healing than to 
avoid and then festering occurs.

I do also believe that sometimes the toughest exteriors protect the tenderest 
hearts.  I'm not saying that excuses any negative behavior.  I just keep the 
tender heart in mind.  And give the tough exterior wide berth.

Hope you have a good week.

 From: authfriend <jst...@panix.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: groupie of All

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> But here is one question that keeps arising in me.  And we have
> the perfect example this morning.  Barry wrote something
> wonderful about silence.  Nabby replied but with a barb.  Why
> why why?  Why why why keep the negativity going?  Why not simply
> enjoy positive offering?

Share, it's difficult to respond positively even to something
positive when it's from someone who is so overwhelmingly
negative. When he posts something positive, it's incongruous;
there's no way he can make it sound authentic.

If you look at that "positive" post again, moreover, you'll
see that only the first four paragraphs are positive. The
last five are all negative. It's difficult to avoid the
impression that the positive stuff in the beginning was
just a setup for the negative at the end.

Here it is again:


> Apologies Mr. Nabby, I love your crop circles.  But why why why?
> Also, Barry says I joined in the latest surge of hatefulness. 
> Which I honestly don't remember doing

You didn't. This is just Barry being hateful. He hates me
because I don't stand for his crap, and he wants 
desperately to isolate me from everyone else. He's been
trying to do this for years without success.

One of his tactics is to characterize anybody who might
share my views about some person or issue as being somehow
under my influence. He hopes this will prevent them from
expressing the same views lest they be seen as my puppet.

In this case he's referring to your observation, during
the week I was out, about some people here making "vicious"


You see, I've referred to some posts being "vicious" as
well (especially Barry's), so if you express the same view,
it's not because you've made this observation on your own,
it can only be (according to Barry) because you've been
influenced by me.

The same goes, in Barry's scenario, for anyone here who
has ever thought his posts or those of his allies were
"vicious." They were not thinking for themselves, they
were simply parroting me. They're my groupies.

You didn't realize you were under my thumb, did you, Share?
Well, that's how powerful I am. I can control your thoughts
without your even realizing it. ;-)

Let's look again at what Barry wrote:

"*Her* groupies -- the people who have
been filling the emptiness of their *own* lives by
hanging on her vendettas -- came out of the woodwork
and 'took up the slack,' attacking Judy's enemies
*for her*, during her absence. Those people were Ann
(who positively *drools* in admiration of Judy's hatred),
Emily, Share, Nabby, Robin, oxcart, feste, Buck, willytex,
sparaig, and raunchydog. Every single one of them had
to 'fill the void' of Judy's absence by taking her
place and fixating on the same hate-objects she does."

None of the 10 people Barry lists, according to what he
would have readers believe, was expressing his or her
own independent thoughts about Barry (or iranitea, or
Vaj) during that week I was out. If it weren't for me
and my overwhelming influence, it would never occur to
any of them to think ill of any of these three people.

Does that sound just a tad far-fetched? You can make up
your own mind about that, Share, and so can the other
nine people on Barry's list of my purported groupies, as
well as everyone else who reads Barry's post.

>, but just in case, apologies.

You apologized at the time. But you had no need to.


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