--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Hey, I have an aunt in Victoria and took my younger daughter up there for 
> Spring Break last year - a great time was had by all.  Victoria does have 
> all those beautiful oak trees. Thank god I'm not allergic to good wine - yet, 
> anyway.  Ha.  

I would imbibe the rosy red
Of sparkling wine and honey mead,
A golden draught or two.
Were it not for woozy head
And wheezy sulfite allergy
I would gladly share a brew.

> ________________________________
>  From: awoelflebater <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:43 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A challenge to the haters on FFL, and their 
> groupies
> Oh Emily, what a cool person you are. I wish we could meet and take those 
> walks with the dog, I'll go with you to the rheumatologist and cook you some 
> gluten free, dairy free goodies. Then we can sit down, have a cool drink 
> under a shady tree and laugh about life.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> >
> > Barry, baby!  I made the list!   Merci beaucoup and I love you too. 
> >  
> > 
> > Now, I spent the last week listening and watching...what a week.  Let me 
> > think about the interesting moments.  I cried Barry, cried for Lord 
> > Knows, cried for Robin, cried...and cooked.  Comfort food.  Lasagna, 
> > chicken divan, strawberry pie.  I made a really delicious and dense 
> > vegetarian lasagna with mushrooms, onions, carrots, green pepper, broccoli, 
> > spinach, fresh basil and whoops...double the amount of mozzarella.  Used 
> > rice noodles. And then, horrors...I got the results of my allergy tests 
> > back and in addition to gluten, I am highly allergic these days to cows 
> > milk.  I cried again.  My favorite cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt - 
> > all off the table.  The naturopath encouraged me to go to Whole Foods 
> > and sample the sheep and goat cheeses.  Seriously, Barry?  I don't 
> > know if I can accommodate the after tastes.  But, whatever it takes to 
> > feel better Barry, that's what I'll do.  And, it's finally off to the
>  rheumatologist.  And then the car
> >  went into the shop.  The AC doesn't work - not worth it to fix it. 
> >  The freeze plug in the engine is leaking...not worth it to fix it. 
> >  Just need to keep water and antifreeze in the car and check the fluids 
> > every few days.  A jeep, an American car...only 185,000 miles on it. 
> >  It needs to keep running Barry, it needs to get me up to the mountains 
> > a few more times.  What else of interest?  Lots of walks with the 
> > dog.  Barry, I'm trying to train her that her morning walk depends on my 
> > getting a cup of coffee.  I must have time to grind the beans, heat the 
> > water, filter it through, drink it slowly - feel it seep into my nervous 
> > system.  The terrier needs to meditate Barry, she does.  Her patience 
> > level in the morning is zilch, nada, zero.  But, she's a smart one, 
> > she'll learn.  "Small steps", I tell her, "small steps."
> > 
> > Well, there you have it.  The most interesting parts of my week. 
> >  Now, remember (to capture a line from The Best Exotic Marigold 
> > Hotel)..."when I want your opinion, I'll give it to you."  
> > 
> > Ramble on, Barry, ramble on.  
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3HemKGDavw
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 11:15 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A challenge to the haters on FFL, and their 
> > groupies
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Here's what I think the dynamics of the situation are.
> > There are a few people here whose lives are so empty,
> > and who are basically so uninteresting, that the only
> > thing they can think of to give them pleasure is to
> > glom onto someone else whose life *IS* interesting,
> > and act either as a groupie to that person, or as a 
> > hater of that person.
> > 
> > My challenge to these sad people is to write something
> > to this forum that is interesting in itself, rather
> > than spend all their time fixating on others.
> > 
> > I feel that this description accurately covers Judy
> > Stein. She has proven herself over the years *incapable*
> > of writing anything interesting about her own life and
> > her own spiritual experiences, because...duh...there 
> > is nothing either interesting or spiritual IN that
> > life. So instead she focuses on others, either as a 
> > groupie, the way she has with Maharishi and Robin, or
> > as a hater, as she has with me, Curtis, Vaj, Sal, Ruth,
> > Andrew Skolnick, and so many others. She focuses on
> > them to take the focus off of her life, and how empty
> > it is.
> > 
> > The fascinating thing, from my point of view, is that
> > there is a sizable contingent of people on this forum
> > who actually ADMIRE her for doing this. They become
> > *her* groupies. They sit back and enjoy her lashing 
> > out at interesting people for the crime of being inter-
> > esting when she isn't, and they play "pile on" and aid
> > her in attacking her hate object du jour. 
> > 
> > This became crystal-clear when Judy stupidly couldn't
> > keep her hatred under control recently and overposted,
> > and had to sit on the Stupid People's Bench for a week.
> > What happened? *Her* groupies -- the people who have
> > been filling the emptiness of their *own* lives by
> > hanging on her vendettas -- came out of the woodwork
> > and "took up the slack," attacking Judy's enemies 
> > *for her*, during her absence. Those people were Ann
> > (who positively *drools* in admiration of Judy's hatred),
> > Emily, Share, Nabby, Robin, oxcart, feste, Buck, willytex, 
> > sparaig, and raunchydog. Every single one of them had
> > to "fill the void" of Judy's absence by taking her
> > place and fixating on the same hate-objects she does.
> > 
> > I suggest that they did this for the same reason Judy
> > does -- their lives are basically uninteresting and
> > TO SAY.
> > 
> > I challenge the whole sorry lot of them to prove me
> > wrong by writing posts to Fairfield Life that actually
> > contain something positive. Posts that indicate that
> > there is something more going on in their lives than
> > being either a groupie to someone more interesting
> > than themselves, or hating someone who is more inter-
> > esting than themselves.
> > 
> > My bet is that they can't do it. Share will probably
> > come the closest, because she actually seems to have
> > something of a life. The others...I don't think they
> > will be able to think of ANYTHING to write about their
> > own lives, and the positive or spiritual things that
> > happen in those lives. And I submit that the reason
> > is fairly obvious -- nothing interesting or spiritual
> > IS happening in their lives, so they live them 
> > vicariously, by either becoming a groupie or a 
> > "pile on hater."
> > 
> > The challenge is leveled. You lot will either deal 
> > with it and try to respond, or you'll stay on the
> > hater bandwagon. My money is on all or most of you
> > doing the same old same old.
> >

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