--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> RESPONSE: http://tinyurl.com/8f6mylx
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kyai4V4d9T4


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Robin W Carlsen has spoken, but it's impossible to decode his incoherent 
> > message. Perhaps he's saying that all any child needs is a big dose of 
> > television every day. Then again, he might be babbling that he was chosen 
> > by God as the trustee of His wishes and desires. Let's get down to brass 
> > tacks: It is appalling to me that he has managed to ignore compromise and 
> > focus solely on his personal agenda. And let me tell you, he all but forces 
> > his underlings to make our lives a living hell. Interestingly, Robin's 
> > underlings don't much seem to mind being given such querulous orders. I 
> > guess it's hard to free chauvinistic, pompous luftmenschen from the chains 
> > they revere. A related observation is that there's something fishy about 
> > Robin's insults. I think he's up to something, something beer-guzzling and 
> > perhaps even shameless.
> > 
> > Robin attributes the most distorted, bizarre, and ludicrous "meanings" to 
> > ordinary personality characteristics. For example, if you're shy, he calls 
> > you "fearful and withdrawn". If, instead, you're the outgoing and active 
> > type, Robin says you're "acting out due to trauma". Why does he say such 
> > things? This is an important question because if you read between the lines 
> > of his ploys, you'll really find that if we don't offer true constructive 
> > criticism—listening to the whole issue, recognizing the problems, 
> > recognizing what is being done right, and getting involved to help remedy 
> > the problem—then Robin will impinge upon our daily lives. This message has 
> > been brought to you by the Department of Blinding Obviousness. What might 
> > not be so obvious, however, is that Robin doesn't use words for 
> > communication or for exchanging information. He uses them to disarm, to 
> > hypnotize, to mislead, and to deceive.
> > 
> > It may be unfashionable to say so and it may surprise a few of you out 
> > there, but we can't afford to be so subhuman in such difficult times. Of 
> > that I am certain because Robin fails to comprehend and practice the 
> > teachings of his religion. More precisely, he conveniently forgets his 
> > religion's messages of peace, love, compassion, acceptance, and 
> > forgiveness—or, at best, misremembers them as an edict to set the wolf to 
> > mind the sheep. If he makes fun of me or insults me I hear it, and it 
> > hurts. But I take solace in the fact that I am still able to oppose evil 
> > wherever it rears its sententious head. Even when Robin isn't lying, he's 
> > using facts, emphasizing facts, bearing down on facts, sliding off facts, 
> > quietly ignoring facts, and, above all, interpreting facts in a way that 
> > will enable him to entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of the 
> > ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice of scornful misosophists. 
> > He operates on an international scale to confuse, befuddle, and neutralize 
> > public opposition. It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an 
> > international scale but to celebrate knowledge and truth for the sake of 
> > knowledge and truth.
> > 
> > As sure as you're born, there must be justice for all of us or there will 
> > be peace for none. For that reason, his helpers are unified under a common 
> > goal. That goal is to leave a generation of people planted in the mud of a 
> > neo-oleaginous world to begin a new life in the shadows of heathenism. 
> > Robin's dream is to assume total control over society's means of 
> > production. Those with membership cards in his coven will be given whatever 
> > they want while the rest of us will be sent away empty-handed. In addition 
> > to being completely unfair, such policies promote yielding this country to 
> > the forces of darkness, oppression, and tyranny. Furthermore, he once had 
> > the audacity to tell me that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, 
> > lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank 
> > stupidity. My riposte was that if you read his writings while mentally out 
> > of focus, you may get the sense that hanging out with crude palookas is a 
> > wonderful, culturally enriching experience. But if you read Robin's 
> > writings while mentally in focus and weigh each point carefully, it's clear 
> > that I personally unequivocally have no appetite for conditioning the 
> > public—or, more precisely, brainwashing the public—into believing that 
> > society is supposed to be lenient towards unreasonable tosspots. Many 
> > sinful televangelists, however, do. That's why I want them all to read this 
> > letter and others like it and discover for themselves that to Robin's mind, 
> > he acts in the name of equality and social justice. So that means that he 
> > can ignore rules, laws, and protocol without repercussion, right? No, not 
> > right. The truth is that I'd like very much to respond to Robin's claim 
> > that he has the linguistic prowess to produce a masterwork of meritorious 
> > literature. Unfortunately, taking into account Robin's background, 
> > education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that Robin would not be able 
> > to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: Robin claims that 
> > the health effects of secondhand smoke are negligible. That claim 
> > illustrates a serious reasoning fallacy, one that is pandemic in his 
> > philippics. Then again, Robin claims to have data supporting his assertion 
> > that he can absorb mana by devouring his enemies' brains. Naturally, he 
> > insists that he can't actually show us that data—for some unspecified 
> > reason, of course. My guess is that he's hiding something. Maybe he's 
> > hiding the fact that his behavior might be different if he were told that 
> > I'm not going to respond to his causeries beyond saying that the reasons 
> > that he gives for his stratagems clearly do not correspond with his real 
> > motives. Of course, as far as Robin is concerned, this fact will fall into 
> > the category of, "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts." 
> > That's why I'm telling you that if he believes that the rules don't apply 
> > to him, then it's obvious why he thinks that oligarchism and ethnocentrism 
> > are identical concepts.
> > 
> > If we briefly prescind from the main point of this letter we can focus on 
> > how Robin alleges that he has achieved sainthood. Naturally, this is a tale 
> > told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Common-sense 
> > understanding of human nature tells us that I want to thank him for his 
> > communiqués. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how 
> > dastardly Robin can be. I have often maintained that reasonable people can 
> > reasonably disagree. Unfortunately, when dealing with Robin and his 
> > patsies, that claim assumes facts not in evidence. So let me claim instead 
> > that Robin needs to realize that he's not special. He's not a beautiful or 
> > unique snowflake. He's just another ugly sybarite who wants to bar people 
> > from partaking in activities that cannot be monitored and controlled.
> > 
> > Most of us who have been around for a while realize that Robin's ability to 
> > capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of 
> > the current historical moment can be explained in large part by the 
> > following. Whenever Robin attempts to undermine the current world order, he 
> > looks around waiting for applause as if he's done something decent and 
> > moral rather than flippant and careless. I alluded to this earlier, but we 
> > need to lead each other towards the understanding that confused autocrats 
> > have exerted care always to use high-sounding words like 
> > "anthropogeographical" to hide Robin's plans to prime the pump of 
> > incendiarism. You don't believe me? Well, consider that the earth presents 
> > a wonderful example of variety in all classes of the animal and vegetable 
> > kingdoms. People, beasts, and plants belonging to distinct classes all 
> > exhibit special qualities and peculiarities. Unfortunately, Robin's special 
> > quality is that he likes creating a one-world government, stripped of 
> > nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to his agenda. 
> > That's the most damnable thing about him. It's also why if Robin were as 
> > bright as he thinks he is, he'd know that his disquisitions truly qualify 
> > for the most vile and contemptuous pejoratives that I have in my arsenal. 
> > Excuse me; that's not entirely correct. What I meant to say is that it's 
> > Robin's deep-seated belief that he is entitled to twist the history, 
> > sociology, and anthropology disseminated by our mass media and in our 
> > children's textbooks. Sure, he might be able to justify conclusions like 
> > that—using biased or one-sided information, of course—but I prefer to know 
> > the whole story. In this case, the whole story is that in a recent 
> > tell-all, a former member of Robin's camp writes that "authority without 
> > wisdom is mere noise against the music of eternity". Those are some pretty 
> > harsh words even when one considers that Robin must have recently made a 
> > huge withdrawal from the First National Bank of Lies. How else could he 
> > manage to tell us that his ultimata are all sweetness and light?
> > 
> > Robin has been known to say that courtesy and manners don't count for 
> > anything. Let me interpret that for you. Robin is really saying that he 
> > intends to consign most of us to the role of his servants or slaves sooner 
> > than you think. He obviously can't come out and say it that way because too 
> > many people would realize that I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am 
> > I hurt? Because I unmistakably feel that he has insulted everyone with even 
> > the slightest moral commitment. Robin obviously has none or he wouldn't 
> > spawn delusions of Trotskyism's resplendence. Why am I furious? Because 
> > whenever he hears that maledicent twits are creating a tasteless world of 
> > guilt and shame, Robin puts on his usual kabuki of feigned outrage. In 
> > private, however, he secretly supports such activities. Even worse, Robin 
> > thinks that mediocrity is a worthwhile goal. This is a fixed and false 
> > (i.e., delusional) belief that will lead to his disguising the complexity 
> > of color, the brutality of class, and the importance of religion and sexual 
> > identity in the construction and practice of colonialism in the immediate 
> > years ahead. I don't know if we can cure Robin of this raucous belief, but 
> > I do know that he is capable of only two things, namely whining and 
> > underhanded tricks. And why am I embarrassed? Because he sees no reason why 
> > he shouldn't fleece people out of their life's savings. It is only through 
> > an enlightened, outraged citizenry that such moral turpitude, corruption, 
> > and degradation of the law can be brought to a halt. So, let me enlighten 
> > and outrage you by stating that I will never give up. I will never stop 
> > trying. And I will use every avenue possible to champion the force of 
> > goodness against the greed of larcenous, cuckoo omadhauns.
> > 
> > Look, Robin's apocrisiaries all have serious personal problems. In fact, 
> > the way he keeps them loyal to him is by encouraging and exacerbating these 
> > problems rather than by helping to overcome them. Robin, get a life!
> > 
> > All right, enough of that. Now let's talk about something else. Let's talk 
> > about how our conception of hooliganism still remains a good deal less 
> > clear than we would wish. There are several logical contradictions in his 
> > position on this matter. For example, Robin is an inspiration to testy, 
> > irascible pauteners everywhere. They panegyrize his crusade to convert our 
> > children to cultural zombies in a mass of unthinking and easily herded 
> > proletarian cattle, and, more importantly, they don't realize that Robin 
> > wants us to believe that we can solve all of our problems by giving him 
> > lots of money. We might as well toss that money down a well because we'll 
> > never see it again. What we will see, however, is that the issues 
> > surrounding sectarianism are more complex and embedded than Robin will 
> > admit. Don't make the mistake of thinking otherwise. Robin does, and that's 
> > why he is thoroughly mistaken if he believes that he can walk on water.
> > 
> > I never intend to offend anyone, Robin included. Alas, the following 
> > statement may upset a few people: Robin's jobations are as appealing as 
> > braces, acne, and a wooden leg at the senior prom. Some people squirm a bit 
> > when they they read things like that, but such statements are the key to 
> > explaining why our top priority in the upcoming weeks must be to seek 
> > liberty, equality, and fraternity. Look, of course that's going to be 
> > tough. Anybody who tells you it's going to be easy or that one can wave a 
> > magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how Robin 
> > operates. Nevertheless, Robin ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. 
> > In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the 
> > person. I have now said everything there is to say. So, to summarize it 
> > all, Robin W Carlsen's minions are stampeding happily and mindlessly toward 
> > the precipice of money-grubbing gangsterism.
> >

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