from jyotishi Sam Geppi's newsletter, about full Moon in Aquarius which occurs 
approx 9 am Central Aug 31

Note that Sun is in its own sign, Leo which gives it added power.  But also 
potential imbalances.

Sam SadaShiva says:

Connecting our personal power to the highest good, without regard for our own 
personal glory – aversions, victories, defeats, is the highest 
Leo lesson. The full Moon in Aquarius brings the compassion for humanity and 
the feeling of appreciation for others and their glory as 
embodiments of G-d. This realization must be present if the Leo in each 
of us is to fulfill its mission as the “Good King” – one whose kingdom 
flourishes – rather than the tyrant who can only feel powerful when 
robbing the peasants and invading other kingdoms.

Shatabishak Nakshatra
This full Moon happens in the Nakshatra of Shatabishak, which literally means 
“100 physicians”.
This Nakshatra is where the poison of our fears and hypnotic 
attachments to life are transformed into the elixir of sacred medicine. 
This medicine takes the form of sacred teachings and healings that 
descend from the heavens.
The deity of this Nakshatra is Varuna, who brings the celestial rains from 
heaven and charges the atmosphere with static electricity, that 
leads to the lightning strike of awareness in the next Nakshatra of Purva 

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