--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
>  The full Moon ordered the Sun to take notice on this most auspicious day. He 
> cannot rule without her,as he has been.  He has to invite her into his home 
> within a fortnight or the dragon's head or Rahu will make efforts to put the 
> Sun at his mercy. Venus transiting the house of Karka will gain the aspect of 
> Rahu and she will have her order filled. Mars is under Venus's mercy. Tame, 
> the Mangal lord in the house of Tula, all affecting the Moon's illuminating 
> drive from the Sun, the Moon will take to Meena and make the love so. He must 
> subscribe. It is written.
> -Nostraobbadomus


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