dear Rick,  I vote for keeping weekly post limit to 50.  Or increase to 70!  Of 
course I've been spoiled by other forums that have unlimited posting.  And I do 
understand Buck's reasons.  But Buck, in case you haven't noticed, some people 
don't want to go offline.  Probably something to do with wanting to maintain 
anonymity and privacy.

OTOH, some of us would like to reply to every single post, if only to say thank 
you for something especially interesting and or beautiful, moving, funny, etc.
I've stopped thanking for crop circles because of posting limit.  So here is 
blanket gratitude for all past and future crop circles, Mr. Apple Sauce   

The thing is, you are already completely free to avoid reading the posts you're 
not interested in.  So why are you aiming to limit the freedom of others whose 
posting style is different than yours?

BTW, I enjoyed your post to Turq inviting him to come to Dome.  Wonderful 
irony, yes?

Share in Bagambhrini, feeling the rounding of the students, maybe you are too, 
Buck in Patanjali?  

 From: Buck <>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz: Determining one's existential sincerity


--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Dear Emily,
> > 
> > I have chosen to ignore, for now, your introductory remarks, which
> > are a gloss upon your commentary. I am going to post only my response
> > to your commentary. After that I shall look at these reflections
> > (which were written after you has composed your commentary--I have
> > excised them from this post) to see if they merit a separate post.
> If they do merit a separate post, make sure to post it after Friday's Post 
> Count, 'cuz right now you're at 50 posts for the week.

Dear Rick,  A lot of this shit between people should go offline between folks 
as a curtsey between folks.   Let's go back to 30 posts per week.  The writing 
was much better then when posts were precious at 30 to 40 posts per week.  A 
cap of 50 posts per week puts this place in to twitter.  Like if someone wants 
to 'salon' on TV shows or on the book about Osama, or Ravi or Robin or 'the 
gang' want to bomb this place on their stuff, at 30 posts it is more likely to 
be connected to FFL.  50 posts per week is too damned excruciating to get these 
people off of FFL.  At 30 posts the airways would free up by Saturday nite for 
topics related to FF on a lot of weeks.  I'd be glad to help you administrate 
this, just give me the passwords to FFL.
Your loyal and early FFL member,
-Buck in FF 


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