--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The fascinating thing from my point of view, Curtis, is that
> Nabby (and possibly a few others here) go ballistic and react
> as if you had attacked *them* because you were less than guru-
> whipped and treated Maharishi just like any other person.
> Their level of identification with and attachment to *him* is so
> great that they really can't tell the difference any more between
> someone criticizing him and someone criticizing them. Let alone
> the difference between criticism and "attack."

So, herein lies the answer; you couldn't have stated it more clearly...
Before one is enlightened, there is this thing called 'Indentification'...
It's the small self, the ego, identifying with something, to which it has 
become attached.
Like you are saying, it has little to do with the focus of the attachment, but 
more to do with attachment itself...

This is one thing that The Maharishi left out of the teaching; that is how to 
get out of this thing called attachment...

In a way it is worse than an addiction, because in the case of addiction, at 
least most people know that they are addicted...

Attachment is much more subtle, in that one doesn't even see how attached one 

One actually believes they are being attacked, when no one is being attacked...

It's just the attachment that is being called into question.

I hope this makes some sense, and can help Curtis, because I feel that you are 
a good soul, and putting yourself through stuff that is unnecessary.

Whatever you feel about this word 'Maharishi' and all the feelings it brings up 
for you, if you can see the attachment to this word, within yourself, you will 
be a lot clearer about the whole thing.

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