King Baby Barry,

You emotionally stunted, demented, deranged, depraved, needy, drama
queenery, clueless, shameless, paranoid, delusional, narcissistic,
misogynist, homophobic LIAR..LOL

Remember all this chin-envy and envy of the biggest d**k in town is
cracking me up.

How dare you use my name directly? :-) All you have is slander and lies.
Needy, whiny, drama queen ish antics. I thought you and Curtis were the
tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting women,

Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
every day publicly must be taking it's toll. But I didn't call you needy
and shameless for nothing right?

Slander and lie with gusto - I don't think anything else helps against

On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:28 AM, turquoiseb <> wrote:

--- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...>
> --- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@>
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Alex, you were possibly privy to any "agreement"
> > > between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
> > > to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
> > > not fling it around like monkeys.
> >
> > The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
> > I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
> > notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
> > sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
> >
> > WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
> > filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
> > received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
> > I wrote back to him with this: "After that string of
> > profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
> > boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
> > anything you try to post will not go through." After
> > that, it was between Dan and Rick.
> I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
> these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
> redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
> as personal evolution after all....

With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
of discrimination any further than I could throw him.

With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
and others here.

With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
in giving him a "second chance" after a drunken or
insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
to make threats against several *more* people here.

I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
"care and feeding" of the forum he created. As
I've said before, I think he's asleep at the


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