Today, I got to thinnkin' ...this guru dev dude, there's a lot I don't know 
about this Dude!!!eh
For, Instance, what the hell did he do for all years, all lone in the woods, 
all by himself, no femeals firends around to conforn t him...

And then I thought, wow this dude was really secretive about his 
He could be anywhere, at any time...

What a dude...i thought so much  myself, like daring, dashihng just 
plane kewl...
 I hada new advernture to take to find out what and where he is now...

He might be living in FF, somewhere in the masssesss somewhere, I do not know 

But, 'I Am' determened to fiedn him...5

Somehow I will find him living here in 'The Vedica City Times' for September 
 6the,  the year of the end of teh mahaya calier clock, tic tock...tock...

Good knites and God Bles...s yrs turnly Chaim.
'ONe Love, One Heart, lets goets gogether and Be Alright.

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