Dear Ravi,
I was experiencing a bit of a conflict in having positive feelings for both you 
and Curtis.  I wasn't comparing you to him.  Apologies if that wasn't clearer.

 From: Ravi Chivukula <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: "I'm not going to shut up; it's 
my turn!"

Dear Sweetest, kindest, gentlest Share,

"The only conflicting loyalties I'm experiencing are my fond memories of Curtis 
from 37 years ago vs. my liking of Ravi. "

I always love your support, concern, love but please don't sully, taint my 
reputation by comparing me with Curtis who is the moral leadership for all the 
veiled, concealed misogynist, homophobic agenda on this list with his open 
support of Barry and azgrey. You may accept him - but please leave me out of 
this. Remember I goad, insult and slay his ass day in and day out, at my fancy, 
at my will, and all he can do is Strategy # 1 - try to twist, manipulate the 
audience, Rick and Strategy # 2 - cry wolf, accuse others of being 
racist,misogynist, homophobic.

You don't know the amount of disgust, contempt I have for these shameless, 
clueless bastards, the metaphorical Rakshasaas, demons, metaphor for their 

Share - I remember a beautiful story of how Divine Mother would keep slaying 
this demon, but he would constantly change forms and Divine Mother would keep 
on slaying him - I don't remember how it ended :-) - but this is what Curtis is 
- this demon of deception who keeps changing forms- in his case, keeps changing 
the context, crying wolf while using his deceptive charm through his writing. 
Sickening, disgusting Rakshasaas - Curtis, Barry and his ole boy clique.

Keep me out of it mother.


On Sep 5, 2012, at 8:45 AM, Share Long <> wrote:

> From: Robin Carlsen <>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 4:09 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: "I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
>Dear Share,
>Robin:  You must excuse my presumption here (because it is very likely I am 
>wrong) but I must tell you that in this post I get to feel the most Share that 
>is there severed (perhaps not consciously:)) from her philosophy. It just 
>*seemed* to me that all you wrote here came out of your experience unmediated 
>by any final beliefs about what is real. Like a beautiful accident of Share 
>making herself available beyond what would be possible were she solidly, as 
>she almost always is, behind her spiritual orientation to people and reality 
>(which, in the weaponry and ordnance deployed by some of us more irascible FFL 
>posters, is sometimes--silently, mind you--denigrated as being overly 
>positive--and therefore impotent:)).
>Share:  hi Robin, yes I will excuse your presumption if you excuse my not 
>going down this particular rabbit hole again.  You know, the one about my 
>being so positive yada
 yada.  As
 for my being impotent, it's not been my intention to be, uh, potent.  So no 
problemo.  Sigh, btw, I notice I'm feeling grumpy this morning.  Blaming it on 
the sugar I ate yesterday.  Somehow I've become very sensitive to sugar.  
Anyway, Robin, apologies for taking it out on you.
>Robin:  Yes, Share, I felt I knew something about the beauty of the Russian 
>soul--its utter distinctiveness from any other peoples in the world--after 
>viewing that video a number of times. The feeling of collective warmth and 
>passion, it seemed so real and natural to me. Changed my perception of Russia, 
>I think. Even of Putin. I think Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from wherever he is 
>now, must be happier about his Mother Russia--unless nationality counts for 
>nothing after death, and one becomes, unavoidably, a universalist. But it made 
>me want to be there among those young people--and made me have confidence 
>about the future of Russia.
>Share:  Good!  Because I agree with something Susan said recently about how 
>expectations in the classroom influence a student's
 Perhaps your confidence about future of Russia will have a good influence.  
>Robin:  I was curious about the ginkgo bilobia reference: but I have used it 
>daily to ward off the dementia which would be Barry's revenge against me. I am 
>meeting with LK on the 20th of September here in Toronto. I aim to reprogram 
>him as best I can so that he comes back onto FFL and says that I am more 
>perfect than I was when I was in Unity Consciousness. 
>Share:  I've heard it helps with memory and mine can be quite faulty.  I 
>resist supplements but every now and then I think I should add that one to my 
>repetoire.  Very exciting about you and LK.  Want me to check if that date is 
>Robin:  I find myself, once I started to experience the effect of your words 
>upon me, acquiescing in your decision to let that karma (as *you* call it) 
>burn off without having to go back to where we had those delightful 
>exchanges--*that was good for me, Share*. :-) But now like a previous lifetime 
>(*definitely* a metaphor for me, inside the first person subjectivity 
>thing--won't use the O word, because Steve, in his earnest desire to get as 
>near to the truth as possible, has expressed some disquiet about the intrinsic 
>denotation of that word) it seems to be very much in our past. We will let the 
>good God assign its value, whatever it might have been, when we come to die, 
>Share:  Somehow you've gotten what I said all jumbled here.  Anyway, what 
>exactly was good for
>Robin:  "What a funny old world it is"--Yeah, can't you tell? It is funny as 
>it can be when Share Long has to reconcile all her dissonant loyalties around 
>here--Ravi and Barry: trying to do justice to both. In any case, Share, I like 
>the spontaneity (if you will let me call it that) of your letter to me, and I 
>will be alert to the contingency of another wholly different form of 
>conversation that may be in our destiny together here on FFL. *Something* sure 
>is up these days. But I would not know what it is.
>Share:  The only conflicting loyalties I'm experiencing are my fond memories 
>of Curtis from 37 years ago vs. my liking of Ravi.  But I have a lot of 
>practice from childhood dealing with such.  
>Share:  Thank you so much for this.  Very haunting and beautiful.
>Share PS:  Hey Robin, ever watchful of my posting amounts, I want to ask you 
>here about something you wrote in reply to Rick's Gary Greenfield story.  What 
>did you mean when you said that there are all kinds of problems that set in 
>after a while.  Sleeping elephants start waking up?  Is that one way you would 
>describe what happened to you?  I also like what sparaig said about things 
>getting sticky.  I think that's inevitable on any spiritual path.  Heck, in 
>any area of
 life.  There's always a honeymoon period that comes to an end.  But then the 
real love can arise and grow.  But perhaps that's just my first person thingie 
>--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
>> I love their spirit too, Robin.  Especially because it is in such contrast 
>> to the gray sky, grey stone, relentless snow.  All bundled up against the 
>> bone deep cold and still they can turn somersaults.  And not just on the 
>> physical level, if you know what I mean.  Very wonderful!  I love that 
>> they chose Putting On the Ritz.  
>> I love the inclusion of the bride and groom.  Wondering where the heck that 
>> bouquet got to.  Libra rising dontcha know!
>> Ah, I see your psychic abilities have not diminished in the interim.  Yes, 
>> I'm careful about posting amounts.  Being accustomed to an unlimited 
>> situation posting wise, a few times I've lost count and come precariously 
>> close to posting out.  Horror!
>> Right, it was around the time Lord Knows showed up that you stopped 
>> replying.  I'm not even sure of the date LK showed up much less the post 
>> numbers or even the subject lines of those epic exchanges.  Definitely need 
>> some ginkgo bilobia here!  Did a quick search and could not find.  Anyway, 
>> I vote for letting those be the river well on its way to the ocean which is 
>> the FFL archives.  I sense some old karma between us got gently toasted.  
>> I'm happy with that.  Actually the gentle toasting of karma seems to be the 
>> main reason for my being on FFL.  What a funny old world it is.
>> Share    
>> ________________________________
>>  From: Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@...>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 10:38 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: "I'm not going to shut up; it's my 
>> turn!"
>> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
>> >
>> > Wow, Robin, best recent youtube post IMHO.  thank you.  These young 
>> > peeps are ALREADY changing the world for the better. 
>> Dear Share,
>> Well, when I was last in Moscow in 1985, the existential possibility of 
>> something like this was zero. The feeling generated by these young Russians 
>> reveals the terrible truth of the Soviet experiment. Regardless of the 
>> depredations of unchecked capitalism in the aftermath of the collapse of 
>> communism, the soul of the Russian people has been liberated. In fact, 
>> Share, I formed an impression of Russia in watching this video which began 
>> to neutralize the baleful memories of twenty-seven years ago.
>> If you don't mind using up a precious post, could you send me the FFL post 
>> numbers of those three posts of yours which represented three different 
>> continuing conversations we were having. I think the advent of the LK 
>> episode sidetracked me. Not that I promise to respond to them now (as if 
>> *that* is any big deal!), but I would like to look them over.
>> The video you liked, Share, for me it says there is something beautiful 
>> about those Russians. I understand now how a person can be very proud to be 
>> a Russian. The collective vibration of these young Russians, it was more 
>> compelling to me than the collective vibration of a love-in in the late 
>> Sixties. I loved their spirit. 
>> Robin
>> > ________________________________
>> >  From: Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@>
>> > To: 
>> > Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 8:30 AM
>> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: "I'm not going to shut up; it's 
>> > my turn!"
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> > 
>> >
>> > 
>> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > As sad as it may be to keep twisting the knife that one
>> > > of the TMO's poster boys for the awesome power of TM 
>> > > to enhance creative intelligence plunged into himself
>> > > may be, I must, because it provides such a perfect
>> > > explanation of the dynamics of FFL. 
>> > > 
>> > > The term "Eastwooding" has now entered the vocabulary
>> > > used to describe crazy people. That term will outlast
>> > > his screen legacy. Which is good in a way, because now
>> > > we at Fairfield Life have that term to describe the
>> > > actions of those who -- affronted dearly by something
>> > > someone has done, or has said about them, or didn't
>> > > even say but the Eastwooder imagined them saying it --
>> > > feel the need to preach or yell at them, long after
>> > > the offending person has stopped listening.
>> > > 
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > "You will not silence me, invisible Barack Obama!"
>> > > 
>> > > Substitute "Vaj" for "Barack Obama" in the sentence 
>> > > above. Or replace that name with "Curtis." Or with
>> > > "Sal," or even -- 12 years after he last appeared --
>> > > "Andrew Skolnick." Or finish the sentence with 
>> > > "invisible Barry," and then continue yelling at
>> > > the empty chair for...wait for it...17 years.
>> > > 
>> > > To quote Jon Stewart in this awesome bit, "But I 
>> > > could never wrap my head around why the world and
>> > > the President that Republicans describe bears so
>> > > little resemb

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