Today in the dome Maharishi spoke to someone who was describing his 
'flying/hopping' experience...
Maharishi's voice changes when he talks about the 'flying Technique', I have 
Anyway, he was saying to be aware of  where the 'Sense of "I"..' in the 'Whole 
Process of hopping' you hear someone hopping next to you?
Where do you feel this sense of 'I' is when you hear someone from outside of 
Where is this sense of 'I' when you are hopping...
When the body disappears or you feel like the body has disappeared where is 
this sense of 'I' inside then?

Who is the 'I'...

Can you see that when you lose the small sense of 'I' when you see it for what 
it is, and just drop it, then that starts a chain reaction and then the small 
self collaspes under it's own pain, weight, judgement, all the things of a 
limited nature...

The one has 'Awakened' to the fact that 'Seperation Never existed at All!' it 
was just a figment of the imagination of this sense of the 'Little Egoic 
I'...and when that is seen, you have 'Psssed Through the Gate' ] it were...

And, 'Once something is seen, it cannot be Unseen!'...


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