Great find, Barry. What an amazing man, and a great field to put your money 
--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The 20th richest man in America had a house in Santa Fe and lived a very
> quiet and inaccessible life there. But he always showed up at
> interesting charity events, and always left a big check if the people
> involved had a real vision and he felt he could help them achieve it.
> Given Mitt Romney's recent demonstration of what he thinks it is to be
> rich in America, I thought we could do with a little balance.
> Inside Paul Allen's Quest To Reverse Engineer The BrainBehind a black
> curtain in a small room a titanium sapphire laser is  prepared to fire
> at a tiny and very surprising target: a half-centimeter  glass window
> surgically implanted into the skull of a live mouse. If  all goes right
> the laser will fire for a quadrillionth of a second while  the mouse
> runs on a white, treadmill-like ball and watches a computer  screen.
> Thanks to special dyes, certain brain cells will glow green if  the
> mouse is using them, their image captured by cameras capable of 
> detecting a single photon.
> The point to all this Star Trek style technology could not be more 
> profound. That tiny tangle of tissue in the mouse's skull turns
> nerve  impulses from the rodent's eyes into an interaction. Decoding
> that  process would give scientists the first true window into how a
> mammalian  brain experiences the world.
> It has a secondary benefit, too. Looking over the contraption puts a
> big–and pretty rare–smile on the face of Paul Allen
> <> , the 59-year-old Microsoft
> <>  cofounder who has plowed $500
> million into the Allen Institute for Brain Science, a medical Manhattan
> <>   Project that he hopes
> will dwarf his contribution as one of the  founding fathers of software.
> The institute, scattered through three  buildings in Seattle
> <> `s  hip Fremont
> neighborhood, is primarily focused on creating tools, such  as the mouse
> laser, which is technically a new type of microscope, that  will allow
> scientists to understand how the soft, fleshy matter inside  the human
> skull can give rise to the wondrous, mysterious creative power  of the
> human mind.
> "As an ex-programmer I'm still just curious about how the brain 
> functions, how that flow of information really happens," says Allen
> in a  rare interview, in a conference room overlooking an active ship
> canal.  "The thing you realize when you get into studying
> neuroscience, even a  little bit, is that everything is connected to
> everything else. So it's  as if the brain is trying to use
> everything at its disposal–what it is  seeing, what it is hearing,
> what is the temperature, past experience.  It's using all of this to
> try to compute what the animal should do next,  whether that animal is a
> mouse or human being."
> It's heavy stuff, fueled by curiosity and scientific ambition made 
> yet weightier by issues of mortality and the neuro-fragility Allen's
> own  brain has been coping with. In June his mother, Faye Allen, a 
> schoolteacher who inculcated him with a love of books and knowledge, 
> died of Alzheimer's. "Any time you've seen a loved
> one…," Allen says,  trailing off. "You see their
> personality, everything that makes them  human, slowly slipping away,
> and there is nothing you can do about it."  And Allen himself has
> waged a fight against stage four non-Hodgkin's  lymphoma, a deadly
> blood cancer that is now in remission. He is flush  and energetic,
> juggling our interview with phone calls about one of his  sports teams,
> and filled with urgency about his legacy.
> His first $100 million investment in the Allen Institute resulted in a 
> gigantic computer map of how genes work in the brains of mice, a tool 
> that other scientists have used to pinpoint genes that may play a role 
> in multiple sclerosis, memory and eating disorders in people. Another 
> $100 million went to creating a similar map of the human brain, already 
> resulting in new theories about how the brain works, as well as maps of 
> the developing mouse brain and mouse spinal cord. These have become 
> essential tools for neuroscientists everywhere.
> Now Allen, the 20th-richest man in America, with an estimated net  worth
> of $15 billion, has committed another $300 million for projects  that
> will make his institute more than just a maker of tools for other 
> scientists, hiring several of the top minds in neuroscience to spearhead
> them. One effort will try to understand the mouse visual cortex as a 
> way to understand how nerve cells work in brains in general. Other 
> projects aim to isolate all the kinds of cells in the brain and use stem
> cells to learn how they develop. Scientists think there may be 1,000 of 
> these basic building blocks, but they don't even know that. "In 
> software," Allen says, "we call it reverse engineering."
> The willingness to fund these projects has gained Allen a growing 
> number of disciples. "Paul has become a hero to me," says David 
> Anderson, a professor at Caltech who first proposed the mouse map 
> project to Allen. "He's done something for science in a way that
> very  few other philanthropists have. It required that he have faith in 
> science and go where his curiosity guides him."
> But there are also doubts about whether his new, grander plans will 
> amount to anything. "The first phase of their investment really
> worked  out," says Susumu Tonegawa, an MIT professor and winner of a
> 1987 Nobel  Prize who has done extensive brain research. But can
> Allen's industrial  approach really solve the mystery of how the
> brain creates  consciousness? "It's one of the biggest
> unresolved issues in brain  research," he says. "Whether it will
> work or not, I don't know."
> Health issues have defined Allen's career for the past three
> decades.  He left Microsoft after beating Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1982
> and  never returned. Bill Gates
> <>   would turn Microsoft into
> one of the most essential companies of the  20th century, while Allen,
> whose shares continued to soar, spent  billions on various passions.
> There were sports teams (the Portland  Trail Blazers and the Seattle
> Seahawks), cable companies (Charter  Communications, on which he lost $8
> billion) and research labs (the  for-profit Interval Research, shut down
> in 2000). There was the first  privately funded human spaceflight and
> the search for extraterrestrial  life. There was the Gehry-designed EMP
> Museum, which the electric guitar  buff originally built in part as a
> tribute to fellow Seattle native  Jimi Hendrix. There was one of the
> largest yachts in the world, the  Tatoosh, a 300-foot beauty with a
> 6-foot shaded swimming pool and a  saloon that features a French
> limestone fireplace.
> llen began thinking about a big neuro-science project in the late 
> 1990s, while he was making a flurry of investments  in Seattle
> biotechnology companies. One, an outfit called Rosetta  Inpharmatics,
> was doing genetic work that could be seen as a precursor  of the
> Institute's Mouse Brain Atlas. Cancer researcher Stephen Friend, 
> its chief executive, remembers long discussions about "a library  of
> Alexandria for brain data." He set up a meeting for Allen with James
> Watson, who won the Nobel Prize for codiscovering the structure of DNA.
> Watson pushed Allen to think even bigger. Start an institute like 
> Rockefeller University in New York or the Salk Institute in San Diego, 
> he told him, and bring the best minds of science there. Allen balked, 
> both at the potential $1 billion price tag and the memories of closing 
> Interval Research, which failed partly because he had filled it with too
> many scientists merely completing their own projects.
> But the sequencing of the human genome, an example of the power of 
> industrial-scale science, inspired him, and he wanted to fund something 
> similar. "I'm a person that did have the ability to do something
> that  would jump-start progress for scientists around the world," he
> says.
> But what? Allen decided to host a series of what he calls 
> "charettes," or brainstorming sessions, first in Seattle, and
> then on  two separate cruises with scientists on the giant Tatoosh .
> Guests  included Watson; neuroscientist Richard Axel, another Nobel
> Laureate;  and Leland Hartwell, a third. All the scientists proposed
> ideas close to  their own interests. The psychologist and linguist
> Steven Pinker argued  for a "molecule to society" institute that
> would study both neurology  and behavior. Others wanted to focus on
> experimental animals, like the  C. elegans worm or primates.
> But Caltech's Anderson, a neuroscientist and geneticist, proposed
> the  winning idea: a map of how genes work in the mouse brain. Every
> cell in  a mouse–or, for that matter, a human–has the same
> 20,000 genes. What  makes a heart cell different from a brain cell is
> how those genes are  used. And scientists can watch the genetic code
> being accessed like  watching a computer reading a hard disk. In order
> to use a piece of  genetic code, cells must transcribe it from DNA,
> which is stuck in the  middle of the cell, to a messenger chemical
> called RNA. Scientists were  learning how to measure RNA levels;
> figuring out what parts of the mouse  brain use which genes would help
> neuroscientists figure out what the  genes do.
> All of the scientists, Allen says, agreed that the project was 
> worthwhile–despite every researcher having his own agenda. "It
> appealed  to me because it was something that hadn't been done,
> something that  could be scaled, something that created a database that
> could be  accessible worldwide and would lift all boats in the area of 
> neuroscience," he says. It also was similar to the role he'd
> played  at Microsoft, where he had created emulators that allowed others
> to  write software; again, he was creating developer tools, this time
> for  neuroscientists.
> His mother, who loved books so much that when she was asked to name  100
> favorites she could only narrow the list to 165, was suddenly  veering
> from being able to do crossword puzzles one moment to being  unable to
> remember what she had just said. In early 2003 she was  diagnosed with
> Alzheimer's. Allen wrote in his journal that he was "sick  at
> heart," and the Allen Institute for Brain Science was started in 
> short order with the first $100 million donation.
> Some philanthropists put their money toward buildings or 
> infrastructure. Others channel it straight to the needy. Allen, in 
> tackling the brain, spends it on talent. At the outset he recruited 
> Allan Jones, who had worked at the genetics startup, Rosetta, that Allen
> had dabbled with, to develop the Mouse Brain Atlas. Quickly he took 
> over the whole institute.
> Instead of hiring big-name professors, Jones recruited a platoon of  60
> young scientists taking breaks from graduate school or pit stops 
> between academia and industry. Mouse brains were frozen and sliced by 
> automated machines; each slice fit on a single microscope slide. 
> Technicians dipped each slice in an RNA solution that stained cells 
> containing a single sequence of RNA in a particular color. Only one gene
> can be captured per slice and six per brain, meaning it took 4,000 mice 
> to create the Allen Brain Atlas, made available free on the Web in 
> December 2004 and largely finished in 2006. The completed atlas involved
> 85 million images on 250,000 slides, or 600 terabytes of data–half
> as  big as the entire Internet in 2003.
> The Mouse Brain Atlas fast became a standard tool for neuroscientists 
> in both industry and academia worldwide. In 2006 scientists outside 
> Allen's institute had used the atlas to find genes that might
> influence  susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in humans, eating
> disorders and  memory. Husseini K. Manji, head of neuroscience research
> and development  at Johnson & Johnson, says that his scientists scope
> out projects  using the atlas' exclusive gene data. For Ed Boyden, a
> neuroscientist at  MIT, looking for genes allows him to figure out what
> experiments to  conduct. One of the strains of lab mice developed by the
> project has  even become one of the most popular in the U.S.
> Outside the lab this was a dark period for Allen. In 2008 a heart 
> arrhythmia required valve replacement surgery. A month later his lung 
> filled with fluid, requiring another operation. When fluid built up in 
> his other lung doctors diagnosed late-stage non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 
> which had spread beyond his lymph nodes. He dictated parts of his 
> memoir, Idea Man , while suffering through the bone-deadening fatigue 
> from chemotherapy. At the same time, Charter Communications, the cable 
> company he backed, was going into bankruptcy.
> His exploding neuroscience hub was a welcome reprieve. Allen loved 
> peppering his scientists with questions and plotting a path for the 
> future. With the success of the mouse atlas, he put another $100 million
> toward a tougher proposition, an atlas of the human brain, which is 
> 3,000 times as big, with 1,000 times as many cells.
> All the equipment for slicing and staining the brains had to be 
> refitted. And, more critically, the brains themselves were hard to 
> acquire. Rather than 1,000 human brains, the map would have to be built 
> with fewer than 10, which needed to come from people who had died in the
> prime of life without the brain being damaged by injury or illness.
> Four years later six brains have been donated and four analyzed to  some
> degree. The project is due to be finished this year, but the first 
> brain images, put online in 2010, are already yielding scientific 
> results. So far, the gene expression from the first two human brains in 
> the new atlas varies only a little, yielding hope that scientists will 
> be able to understand some of what it all means.
> How might this work? A young University of California, San  Francisco
> neuroscientist named Bradley Voytek used software to match  words that
> frequently appeared together in the scientific literature  with matches
> of where genes are expressed in the Allen atlas. For  instance, he found
> that scientists studying serotonin, the  neurotransmitter hit by Prozac
> and Zoloft, were ignoring two brain areas  where the chemical was
> expressed in their research. It might even play a  role in migraines.
> This data-driven approach led to 800 new ideas about  how the brain may
> work that scientists can now test, leading to hope  that computational
> methods can help decipher the computer in our heads.
> Understanding  the brain, Allen argues, is much like a being a medieval
> blacksmith  trying to reverse engineer a jet plane. It's not just
> that you don't  understand how the wing attaches to the fuselage or
> what makes the  engine go. You don't even know the basic theory of
> how air going over a  wing creates lift. "Moore's Law-based
> technology is so much easier than  neuroscience," Allen says.
> "The brain works in such a different way from  the way a computer
> does. The computer is a very regular structure. It's  very uniform.
> It's got a bunch of memory, and it's got a little element  that
> computes bits of memory and combines them with each other and puts  them
> back somewhere. It's a very simple thing.
> "So for someone to learn how to program a computer, in most cases, a
> human being can do it. You can start programming. I did it in high 
> school. Me and Bill Gates and our friends did that. Probably in a few 
> months we were programming and probably understood what there was to 
> understand about computing within a few years of diving into it."
> In the human brain, designed by evolution, every tiny part is very 
> different from every other tiny part. "It's hideously
> complex," Allen  says. And it's going to take "decades and
> decades" of more research to  understand. "We are talking about
> dozens and dozens of Nobel Prizes," he  says, "that have yet to
> be won to understand how the brain works."
> Despite the size of the challenge, Allen is undeterred. Shifting from 
> his army of pit-stopping young scientists, in the last 18 months he has 
> hired three of the top neuroscientists in the country–and tripled
> the  total head count at the institute to 200 with plans to double it
> yet  again and move to a new, bigger building. Christof Koch of Caltech,
> a  former physicist with an Apple Computer logo tattooed on his left
> arm,  says his colleagues think that he is crazy to leave the safety of 
> academic tenure, but there's no other way to get the job done. There
> are  10,000 neuroscience labs out there, but nobody else is trying to do
> anything as big. "We have ten-year plans to do something that
> can't be  done at the university," he says.
> Clay Reid, who quit a tenured job at Harvard, studies the mouse  visual
> cortex. "I can have big dreams about what to do next, but  managing
> those would be just impossible anywhere else." This project,  dubbed
> Mindscope, uses tools like the laser microscope that Allen saw  for the
> first time when I met him to build a computer model of mouse  vision.
> Colombian neuroscientist Ricardo Dolmetsch, on leave from  Stanford,
> heads up another challenge: using stem cells to figure out  what the
> brain is made of. "If a mechanic didn't know how many parts 
> were in a car, would you trust that mechanic?" quips Koch, who
> likens  current drugs for depression and schizophrenia to fixing that
> car by  pouring oil over the top and hoping some gets into the motor.
> In rolling up all this talent, Allen, the consummate entrepreneur and 
> outsider, has switched sides. Science, like the early days of software, 
> has generally been practiced by hundreds or thousands of individual 
> scientists working independently, competing to scoop one
> another–even  large-scale research labs like Salk and Rockefeller
> work this way.  Allen's industrialized approach is known by
> researchers as "big  science," a worrisome trend to some.
> "The state of funding in  neuroscience is worse than it's ever
> been in my career," says NYU  neuroscientist Tony Movshon. "I
> think small, investigator-initiated  science is the best way to get
> creative ideas."
> It's possible that even the Human Genome Project that inspired Allen
> in the first place also slowed down the commercialization of 
> DNA-sequencing technology, because it created a monopoly for machines 
> made by one company, Applied Biosciences. Only after the project ended, 
> and new, cheaper entrants entered the field, did we get a new revolution
> in genetics.
> "There are going to be things where you need to have the standards 
> and you need to do something systematically on a big scale," shrugs 
> Allan Jones, the Allen Institute's chief executive. "Small labs
> don't  lend themselves to doing that well." In physics, he
> points out, it's  standard practice to get everyone on the same page
> and do large projects  like CERN's supercollider. There's no
> reason that mysteries of the mind  should require less of a group effort
> than mysteries of the universe.
> Paul Allen is still more sanguine. "The proof will come a few years 
> up the road, when we see the results of these new initiatives on which 
> we are embarking now," he says. His $300 million investment was made
> with a five-year time horizon, but Allen and his team don't talk in 
> five-year or even ten-year time–they're looking ahead decades.
> Allen,  who says he feels great and is cancer free, says he will
> contribute  indefinitely as his scientists continue to deliver–and
> has even made  plans to fund the institute after his death. "A big
> part of my own  financial legacy," he says, "is allocated to
> this kind of work for the  future."
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