> I have no problem with vastu, I object to Maharishi 
> co-opting old Indian knowledge to take advantage of 
> people.
So, you're thinking that MMY 'co-opted' the TM bija
mantras, yet you love all of your bijas? You're not
even making any sense. It has already been established
where the bija mantras used in TM came from. You're
just bactracking all over the place. What, exactly is
your point?

> > You have not stated why you think my statement 
> > of a chat with Buddha is an indication of lack 
> > of basic world history... 
> > 
> Because there's no historical proof that anyone 
> can dialog with disembodied spirits of the dead?
> If you expect anyone to believe that, then your 
> whole argument against vastu falls all to pieces, 
> like a house of cards.
> There were no Buddhist stupas in India before the
> historical Buddha. We've already established that
> the earliest example of edifice architecture in 
> India is the Lomas Rishi Cave in Malabar.
> > I await your Buddhist stupa and tantric mantra 
> > inspired reply.
> >
> Did the Buddha tell you why to erect a stupa 
> after his passing?
> Why does the Golden Dome ar Fairfield look so 
> much like the Great Stupa at Sanchi?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanchi
> The ancient stupa at Sanci shows a parasol 
> emerging from the center of the space enclosed 
> by the harmika fence. 
> This and the domed architecture of the mound is 
> repeated with variation in countless thousands 
> of stupas and topes throughout the ages in all 
> countries from the Swat valley all the way to 
> Java and to Sri Lanka. 
> The parasol, atop the Buddhist stupa, as at 
> Sanci, at Sarnath and at Taxila, (circa 200 
> B.C.) the earliest evidence of edifice 
> architecture in India, is the canopy of heaven, 
> its pole being the cosmic axis mundi and the 
> dome's surface is the earth. As a cosmic egg 
> image it is preeminent among the aniconic images 
> of the Buddha. 
> In Buddhist mythology the bodhi tree, symbol of 
> MUM, is the original parasol duplicated in the 
> dome and the kalasa on top - the point where 
> the pole of the parasol pierces the canopy 
> corresponds precisely to the point defined by 
> the harmika, where the pole emerges from the 
> summit of the stupa garbha. 
> This is pure Buddhist vastu, except that inside 
> the Golden Dome, at both Fairfied and at 
> Radience, is found hollowness, so that the yogic 
> flyers can have room to enjoy, unobstructed. 
> This, you have got to admit, is ingenious - a 
> hollow stupa!

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