On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM, raunchydog <raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> >
> > LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to
> say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are
> living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a
> victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance out
> karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the form
> of chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in the
> physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.
> >
> >
> Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are
> you saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical
> "glitch" that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the
> research you cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress
> hormones permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues
> that seem personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise
> them. I understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get
> the part about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very
> best to do so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your
> gliches are and how exactly you believe this effects your life. Are you
> offering this post to help us understand your interactions with people on
> FFLife or in real life? If so, how so?

The impression one would get from Share's actions and words here on FFL is
the opposite of one Share projects in this post - based on her actions
people in FF are living in a fantasy world, in a perpetual victim mindset -
unable to look and deal with reality and running between the pseudo holy
men, healers, quantum light weavers, pastoral counselors to help them
continue their fantasies. So there's definitely a thriving market for all
spiritual con-men & charlatans in FF.

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