Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning.  
Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you 
provided no information at all about what you think.  You exited stage left 
again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges for life?  Thank you for 
your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was absolute hell despite the 
advance preparations I made and I will never do another one with either of my 
beloved parents in this lifetime, quite seriously.  There is something about a 
dinner table in our family that is not a good thing.  Luckily, I have gained 
immeasurable perspective from participating and reading everyone here at FFL, 
including you.  Luckily, raunchy posted that lovely poem about rutabagas.  
Compassionately, Emily.   

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the later 
ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a wonderful 
Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.

 From: raunchydog <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to say 
> to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are living 
> a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a victim.  
> Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance out karmic 
> debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the form of 
> chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in the 
> physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  

Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical "glitch" that 
effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you cite 
indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones permanently 
effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem personally 
important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I understand if you 
want to keep your medical history private. I get the part about Fairfield being 
a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do so. I guess what it 
comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are and how exactly you 
believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this post to help us 
understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real life? If so, how 

> To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
> whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in the body 
> stays elevated for a year even after the father has returned.  In turn that 
> long term elevated level does something seemingly permanent to the brain.  I 
> say seemingly because I do believe there are powerful and natural techniques 
> for healing even such seemingly permanent damage.  Anyway, these glitches 
> must first be recognized before they can be addressed and healed. 
> This is all simply to say that I don't feel like a victim of anyone or 
> anything.  But I do recognize my glitches and I pursue healing them.  But 
> because I can pursue healing them, I don't feel like a victim at all.  Just 
> the opposite, I feel very fortunate.
> Now to fold in the Antifragile post:  I feel grateful for Fairfield because 
> it is a place where I can fairly easily deal with these glitches and still 
> make something of a contribution to others.  Obviously some people have few 
> glitches.  Perhaps they are the ones who thrive in places like NYC.  But I 
> believe that the world needs all kinds of people.  FF has all kinds, 
> including Jeffrey Smith who is world renowned opponent of GMO and those who 
> are in the Dome 7-8 hours a day and those who are retired and frequent the 
> cafes.  
> FF offers a new and very good kind of life.  FFL hopefully helps me integrate 
> all that goodness.  Off to Dome and thank you (-:    


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