Ravi this, Ravi that..oh stop pining for me please.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 7:06 PM, seventhray1 <lurkernomore20002...@yahoo.com
> wrote:

> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> snip
>  But for heaven's sake (and maybe for our sake too) you need to get a bit
> of a grip. The train is headed for Chicago but somehow you have ended up
> riding a donkey backwards towards Topeka.
> Hey Ann,
> This may seem a little strange. Naturally I've read your posts for many
> months now, and I've never felt a need to apply the Robin template to
> anyone, (checking to see how one's posts jibe with reality) except with
> you.  And I have to say that  I always feel you are a little off.
> It's hard for me to put my finger on it, but I think somehow you always
> (or mostly) miss the mark.
> Sort of like the arrow flies but it glances off the hay, or if it hits the
> target, (in one of the outer rings) it just sort of drops down.  You know,
> it just pierces the covering, and nothing else.
> I guess I could give a couple concrete examples.
> You, almost more than any one here, was deeply offended by awakened_yedi a
> couple weeks back.
> He couldn't be booted off fast enough for you.
> And yet, at the same time, we were getting very similiar posts by Ravi,
> and yet you were praising Ravi for his insightfulness and loyalty.
> I admit, that puzzled me.
> I'll just leave it that.

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