A perennial philosophy of all major cultural traditions that there exists a 
transcendental field at the most fundamental level of natural law, which can be 
directly accessed as the silent transcendental level of the human mind.  
Hundreds of studies have shown that experience of transcendental consciousness 
breaks the chain of conditioned reflexes coming on from past behavior, as seen 
in reduced addictive behaviors of all kinds, decreased prison recidivism, and 
reduced behavioral problems in inner-city children.

> Now there is hope because a proven technology of consciousness to create 
> peace is available. This novel approach establishes a filter of coherence and 
> order in collective consciousness in the present, which is capable of 
> transforming the flow of negativity from the past into a more harmonious 
> future.
> Meditation is certainly the answer,
> -Buck in the Dome

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