I think of it as nobody ever makes mistakes, however, as a distinguishing 
characteristic, an enlightened person KNOWS that they do not make mistakes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> I just got this from an old friend who graduated from MIU when it was still 
> MIU.
> I remember one time Sam Boothby was teaching an education class where he was 
> showing a Maharishi video.  In this video Maharishi said "an enlightened man 
> never mistakes."  
> Earlier in the tape he was calling Dr. Michael Wineless, "Wineberg." 
> I asked Sam if Maharishi made a mistake.  
> He yelled back at me and the whole class: "We must never say Maharishi makes 
> mistakes!  We can't say from our unenlightened viewpoint!"
> Then I said: "If I can't judge from my unelightened stress-cluttered nervous 
> system, then how can I know if I'm hearing and processing all of Maharishi's 
> discourse correctly--especially those on CC, GC, and UC?"  
> Mark Kurita yelled out "Good question!"
> Sam ignored me when my hand was up for the rest of the semester.  I was just 
> too filled with stress.

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