What do you expect him to say publicly? He said whatever he felt would get 
people flocking to him to keep the dollars rolling in. Curtis, Robin, Vaj and 
Barry's current state of belief or point of view of Maha and the Movement have 
nothing to do with the experiences the had, what they saw or heard when with 

The difference is their point of view. As an example when Barry mentioned his 
watching Maha ask an initiator to take money in a suitcase across international 
borders (which many of you doubt ever happened) he said AT THE TIME he felt 
what the TM Movement was doing was so important and valuable he was willing to 
overlook what he was seeing for, in essence, the greater good. He no longer 
feels this way.

If Curtis had conversation with the monks he knew in the old days and they told 
him certain things, then they did, plain and simple. What happened happened, 
what Maharishi said and did was what he said and did. Its all in the perception 
of events and actions and words.

You seem to feel that anyone who is not a Maharishi supporter is wrong wrong 
wrong and therefore their point of view is invalid and that somehow means that 
the events they experienced, witnessed and heard never actually happened. You 
feel that no matter what, MAharishi was great and wonderful and therefore 
everything he said did and thought was 100% supported by the laws of nature, 
and were actually Cosmic thoughts, words and actions.

The problem with this point of view, is that many of his deeds and words can't 
be defended - they are too anomalous as the speech and actions of someone who 
is supposed to be enlightened, unless you use the old saw of "Well, we can't 
understand the thoughts and actions of an enlightened man in our unenlightened 
state of awareness." This is the same baloney David Lynch used in trying to 
calm the agitated German audience in the now famous Raja Emmanuel sticking his 
big raja hoof in his own mouth by mentioning Hitler's name in the speech he was 
giving about invincible Germany. The versions of that video still on the Net 
are edited ones - I saw the unedited full version right after it was posted. 
When Lynch got up to do damage control, he actually said that Emmanuel had raja 
training and that we could not understand the subtle awareness and thinking of 
someone who has had such special training. I couldn't believe at the time that 
he was making things so much
 worse with espousing such elitist baloney.

If however one comes to the belief that Maharishi was intelligent, a great 
orator, had great, even tremendous personal energy and charisma that was being 
orchestrated by his unenlightened ego and he used his rather extensive 
knowledge to create an organization designed to keep him supplied with huge 
amounts of money, elevate him to god like status and keep him supplied with yes 
men to do his bidding and plenty of women for sex, then everything he ever did 
and said makes sense without having to make excuses for him. I don't hate Maha, 
but I have no illusions about him either. He was a man who did what most men 

The reason so many people do hate him is that he actually did have an 
opportunity to create a Movement that could truly have changed the world if the 
focus had remained on teaching meditation and had that been coupled with 
numerous small centers that were actually supported by the Movement rather than 
the other way around and some sort of community service outreach where the 
meditators actually went out in the community and did "good works" on a 
practical hands on level. Instead the Movement became increasingly focused on 
pay attention to me! I am the Big Cheese! Pay attention to me and pay me. that 
was it.

So its understandable that some would have anger over a very large carrot of 
personal and global peace and happiness that was derailed by the lust for 
personal gratification.

Of course you may lay all this off to my own dislike for M.

 From: nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Wow - wonder who's point of view is the true one?

Consider this; Curtis is the biggest Maharishi-hater ever to have graced this 
forum. The level of hate is so intense that even The Turq and Vaj becomes mere 
amateurs in comparison.

If you want to know what Maharishi felt about Christianity all you have to do 
is to see the video below.

> ________________________________
>  From: nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:28 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > If MMY did have a negative view of Christianity it was because of what he 
> > saw as its emphasis on suffering, which was directly contrary to his 
> > message that life is bliss. In that sense he had a disagreement with the 
> > interpreters of Christianity down through the ages, not with the founder 
> > himself. In an interview with a Swiss journalist in Majorca on November 23, 
> > 1971, Maharishi said, "I love Christ very much." He also said in the same 
> > interview, "TM is a friend of Christianity because it takes awareness to 
> > the field that Christ wanted everyone to enjoy." Then he added,"No 
> > Christian should suffer; it is not necessary. It is not good to propagate 
> > suffering in the name of Christ." He also used to refer to Christ as "Lord 
> > Christ."
> Maharishi on Christianity:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIWqJ8tJ8JU


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