--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hey, no biggie. I have made plenty of oversights and
> > > mistakes but I was a bit disconcerted to think people
> > > (yourself and Share) were 'on me' for having this
> > > discussion with Curtis which I felt was honest and
> > > searching. There is plenty of crazy negativity and
> > > projecting here at our alma mater we call FFL but there
> > > doesn't have to be even MORE created where there is none.
> > > But like I said, I am sure to be the one to make the
> > > next blooper so I better not say "I told you so!"
> >
> > Hey, I guess this is what you call a gracious and classy
> > reply, instead of what we might have expected from Judy
> > along the lines how how REEEEEEEEALY, REEEEEEEEEALY
> > STOOOOOOOPID someone is for making an innocent mistake.
> > But that would be the Judester for ya.
> What I find fascinating is that Ann SO misses the point.
> That is, that what *she* calls an "honest and searching
> discussion" is very much in the model of Robin's
> "confrontations," and what Curtis and others have termed
> "boundary violations."
> The essence of them is, "I'm going to say things about
> you that are negative and demeaning, and it's OK because
> I really believe them to be true. Now *your* job is to
> respond defensively to them and have an argument with
> me, so that I can demonstrate my superiority to you."
> She doesn't even GET that she's being consistently
> bitchy, mean, and pretending to be oh-so-superior
> to the people she tries to lure into arguments with
> her.
> This is the act that many of us are so tired of here.
> WE DON'T OWE YOU SHIT, much less an argument, just
> because you want to have one. We certainly don't owe
> you one when you hide your argument-provoking behind
> a mask of having an "honest and searching discussion."
> You (meaning Ann, Robin, Jimbo, Ravi, Raunchydog, and
> others who specialize in this form of "discussion")
> have the right to say whatever you want about us,
> because that is guaranteed by Rick's "anything goes"
> guidelines for Fairfield Life. What you seem to be
> forgetting is *our* right to blow you off like the
> aggressive, bitchy argument addicts you are, and to
> ignore your silly asses.
> If you find this "failure to pay attention to you and
> your obsessions" offensive, or even an insult...GOOD.
> If that is the case, you may actually be (belatedly)
> getting the point.
> The whole *concept* of people waiting impatiently in
> front of their computers (as we all know Judy is),
> waiting for the new "posting week" to start so that
> they can rip into another of their "enemies" is
> FUCKIN' EMBARRASSING. Judy doesn't get this, and
> never will. Seemingly, neither does Ann. She keeps
> running the same tired old numbers over and over, in
> a seemingly never-ending quest to lure people into
> same boring, unproductive arguments that Robin
> specialized in trying to provoke and that Judy has
> built a nearly twenty-year "career" in provoking.
> Can you say "Low standards in role models?" I think
> you can.
> Grow the fuck up. Just because you don't like us, or
> because you insult us as often and in as many ways as
> you can think of doesn't mean we owe you a response.
> Curtis has IMO gone out of his way to try to have
> rational discussions with several people who cannot
> conceivably be described as rational themselves. That's
> just the compassionate way that he rolls, and I commend
> him for having the patience to do so.
> Me, I'm just not drawn that way. I think the chronic
> abusers should either grow the fuck up or shut the
> fuck up. I'm not going to encourage them by responding
> to their taunts.

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