Dateline Spiritual Fairfield,

A Hurt Community.

In a few weeks once the Pandits all arrive we still are going to be
short of a consistent 2000+ people meditating in the Dome tallies and
will probably need another couple hundred local meditators at the
margins to come back to the Domes.

The very real thing I am running in to now as I interview people is that
the old movement meditators here feel they don't (should not) have to
prove anything to the course to get back in to Dome to meditate.  It's a
strongly held sentiment. I'm talking with old cultured movement
meditators applying for a badge who then with some vehemence are feeling
they they should not have to explain themselves when it becomes apparent
that the Capital has kept files on them. They are appalled. So it is.

This last weekend Jonas Magram produced a folk evening of local
musicians at the Paradiso stage. Someone told me that one performer did
a R & B rag with a spirited refrain that went on something like "I
ain't going to go to the Dome no more". Apparently it was really
well done as a send up of the situation here.  About 2/3's of the crowd
applauded enthusiastically and 1/3 of the crowd sat stoically on their
hands and were not amused at all. Of the larger meditating community,
that is about the right ratio of how people feel about the
organizational TM movement as they would consider coming back to help
out with the numbers.

I spoke with someone this weekend at a holiday get together, an old TM
movement person, someone who had early spent a lot of face time around
Maharishi, taught a lot of people to meditate, ran Centers who then
observed that she felt completely offended that she would have to prove
herself to the Course Office staff by chasing down recommends and
attending advanced lectures at the Peace Palace. She lost interest right
there to be involved in the cult again with her application to meditate
in the Dome.   She is a meditator here. She is someone who is here who
was willing to be in the Dome meditating to help out. The feeling about
how it has gone though is bad and defended.

I ran in to three other people last week interviewing who spoke the same
way about going back who had dropped pursuing their applications any
further beyond initial interviews when they were met with questions
about what was in their files and then having to come up with recommends
and going to advanced lectures at the Peace Palace to prove themselves.

Reporting From the Streets, Shops and Cafes of Spiritual Fairfield,


--- In, "Buck"  wrote:
> Yep, this thing coming with The Dome Numbers Cliff, someone is going
> have to show some magnanimous leadership to a hurt people to have them
> come back and help.  We're going to need a few hundred more old
> meditators from the community here to come back and there is some deep
> held feeling that leadership is going to have to deal with to get
> numbers to come out from the meditating community here now.  My only
> interest in this is to see them facilitate the numbers in the Dome
> meditation better and if they can't then step aside and let someone
> do it.  They've had over thirty years rein of terror, let's see
> something else.-Buck
> >
> > Like the 'fiscal cliff' we evidently are approaching The Numbers
> > in the Domes.
> >
> > Someone lurking FFL writes to me on the side:
> >
> >   If this group is established, why are the
> >
> >   numbers so pitifully low?
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes, it is going to be close.  Even if these new pundits show up in
> > force in re-enforcement we still need a few more good meditators
> > the community to come to the Domes to have steady numbers over 2,000
> > meditating morning and evening, let alone 2,500 for safety.  We're
> going
> > to need a few more willing meditators, at least 150 or 200, from the
> > community to come back to the Domes and fill the breech.
> >
> > May the Unified Field have mercy on us.
> >
> > -Buck in the Dome
> >
> > >
> > > Friends, a correction of impression is needed on this subject. 
> > was an old headline that is not current.  I made some phone calls
> > morning to confirm things.    That video is from a time that there
> were
> > over 1000 pundits present here on location.  From several years ago
> now
> > the pundits have been arranged for in groups of 50 to 100, 200 or
> at
> > a time.  It is a huge logistical job to do and takes a large amount
> > capital to do.  As they came over they came on visas that are bonded
> for
> > limited time periods.  As the project is old enough now several
> > of pundits have rotated back to India as their visas for coming to
> > US from India have expired.
> > >
> > > Currently there are over 600 pundits here with us in Fairfield.
> They
> > expect another 600 to be processed and paid for within the next
> > It is an incredibly high-minded and very large project logistically.
> > The good people working on this are arranging airfares for a group
> > 300 to come shortly then followed by another group after that.
> > >
> > > With Kind Regards,
> > > -Buck, bird-dogging to flush out the truth.
> > >
> > > --- In, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Listen to their
> > > >
> chanting:
> > > >
> > > >   [Videos]
> > > >
> > >
> >

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