Thanks doc.

I didn't take it personally, as you acknowledged. 

I enjoy respectful dialog, though I much prefer in person to text or Skype or 

And I get that you aren't taking sides. Nor am I asking anyone to take sides. 
If my posts come across that way...well they just do. Text is limiting. (I 
realize you aren't saying that what I have posted is coming across that way but 
rather that you are simply clarifying that you aren't taking sides.)

To life! 

PS: Since there are some old timer TMers here, does anyone know Dee Nelson?


--- In, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> --- In, "Carol"  wrote:
> >
> > doctordumbass stated "[...] the[re] is no substitute to digging into one's 
> > self awareness for answers and solutions."
> > 
> > Totally agree.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, when followers choose to leave toxic authoritarian 
> > lifestyles/relationships, it can be difficult to break the cycle. 
> > Self-blame and self-doubt had become habit.
> **I agree, and thanks for not taking this as a judgment on you, 'cuz it 
> isn't. 
> However, the whole idea of a guide to provide the badly needed self-esteem to 
> us, after being psychologically destroyed, is one of those deals that seems 
> too good to be true, because it is - though impossible to recognize at the 
> time. Kind of like a rebound relationship after a break-up. 
> > 
> > I think we all have agendas. Agendas aren't bad in and of themselves. 
> > Hidden agendas, on the other hand, are the traps. 
> ** Agreed - we've all got goals whether we know it or not. As to hidden 
> agendas, I really struggle with what those might be, even for the most 
> conniving and mean spirited people. All I see when I really get into it, is 
> their monstrous insecurity, that allows them to hurt others in service to 
> their own imagined protection. Weak, mean babies.:-) They are easy to spot, 
> God love 'em, and if I can avoid a personal or professional relationship with 
> them, so much the better!
> Also, this is not to take sides either for or against John K. or you, since I 
> do not know you at all, and only knew John briefly 35 years ago, when he was 
> strutting about with his peers as a Governor Of The Age Of Enlightenment And 
> Don't You Forget It.:-)
> > **********
> > 
> > --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> > >
> > > fwiw, I think that after being exposed to, and heavily influenced by, an 
> > > authoritarian cult, the last thing I would do is go to another authority 
> > > figure, who "specializes" in curing people, in order to fix myself. Its a 
> > > set up. 
> > > 
> > > Fortunately I learned at a young age that psychologists and psychiatrists 
> > > all have agendas of their own, simply by virtue of each having distinct 
> > > personalities and karmas, and no matter how sympathetic or empathetic 
> > > they are, they is no substitute to digging into one's self awareness for 
> > > answers and solutions.
> > > 
> > > --- In, "Carol"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > PS and FYI: Interestingly I posted what my "*chuckly* Barry..." post 
> > > > before I read Ann's response. I purposefully did that so as not to have 
> > > > my impression influenced by her response. Just so you know, Barry...if 
> > > > you even read my response. 
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks Ann, for bringing the posts you did forward. It does give a 
> > > > little more background to Barry's what-appears-to-be general mode of 
> > > > operation for him.
> > > > 
> > > > **************
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, "Carol"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > *chuckle*
> > > > > 
> > > > > Barry,
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm sure you are not interested in my impression of you. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > I am interested in your impression of me. I do actually care, to a 
> > > > > point. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Your impression of me is that I am an obsessive psychopathic 
> > > > > cyberstalker that has made a profession out of dishing The Way and 
> > > > > Knapp. (or something like that)  That is your opinion; you cannot 
> > > > > provide facts. You think I am a loon.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Well, my impression from this post you just made is that you like 
> > > > > manipulating people by passive aggressive type actions. You view it 
> > > > > as entertainment, apparently. And you have in your mind that these 
> > > > > people are trying to motivate you to apologize? I don't know where 
> > > > > you get the idea that they want you to apologize...but that is your 
> > > > > opinion.
> > > > > 
> > > > > That said, I don't think you manipulated anyone to do anything. I 
> > > > > think these ladies simply looked up verifying facts to your 
> > > > > allegations and claims. That isn't obsessive; that's investigative. 
> > > > > It hardly took all afternoon. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Why do you feel the need to share with us what you did for the day? 
> > > > > 
> > > > > All that aside, in 3-D life you may be a great guy. You're probably a 
> > > > > good neighbor and responsible. You add to society in a good way.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Folks in your 3-D life may have no idea you spend time on the 
> > > > > internet posting 1000s of arguments, name calling, guessing 
> > > > > people-whom-you-know-little-about motives, and typing in capitals 
> > > > > like that makes things more important, and whatever else you do 
> > > > > online. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Through my six-year internet *career* and learning how to try to 
> > > > > converse in text, I (like others) have wondered what it would be like 
> > > > > if all these people were in a 3-D cafe. How many would behave the 
> > > > > same or similar as they do online?  
> > > > > 
> > > > > Hope you have another good day Barry. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > ********
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > --- In, "Ann"  wrote:
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > Let's, however, note that Barry had no objection to Lord 
> > > > > > > > > > Knows or Bill and Brahmi "barging" in and going after 
> > > > > > > > > > Robin. In fact, Barry, you loved it. 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > Please document this claim.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > Ann has done exactly this. Will Barry admit it? Don't
> > > > > > > > be ridiculous.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > I just love assigning homework to obsessives.
> > > > > > > It keeps them busy for hours, and then they feel 
> > > > > > > so triumphant afterwards, as if the original 
> > > > > > > idea was theirs. Thanks for jumping through
> > > > > > > hoops, girls.  :-)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Just for fun, and as an excuse to order a second
> > > > > > cup of really *excellent* coffee here at a cafe
> > > > > > I hadn't tried before, I'm going to explain the 
> > > > > > nature of the game to these gals, knowing in 
> > > > > > advance that they won't hear a word of the 
> > > > > > explanation, and that they'll fall for it again 
> > > > > > the next time I run it. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Knowing that their mindset (Judy's originally, 
> > > > > > and Ann's because she's trying to emulate Judy)
> > > > > > is to either 1) prove one of their perceived
> > > > > > "opponents" WRONG, 2) prove themselves RIGHT,
> > > > > > or 3) get the "opponent" to actually APOLOGIZE,
> > > > > > what you do is assign them a task. Hopefully 
> > > > > > the task will involve digging into the past,
> > > > > > hopefully for quite some time (so that they
> > > > > > feel they've done their due diligence), at which
> > > > > > point they trot out their "research," hoping for
> > > > > > the outcome they were looking for -- a "win."
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > And then nothing happens. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The only people they impress are those who think
> > > > > > the same way they do, in terms of "opponents" 
> > > > > > and "wins." They never notice that they've been
> > > > > > assigned yet another "make work project," and
> > > > > > leapt upon it like salivating dogs.  :-)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The thing is, I had *no earthly idea* whether
> > > > > > I'd interacted with Lord Knows the way Ann said
> > > > > > I had, and for a very simple reason -- nothing
> > > > > > about Robin sticks in my memory, because nothing
> > > > > > about him is interesting enough enough *to* stick
> > > > > > in my memory. But I figured Ann wouldn't be able
> > > > > > to resist, so I assigned her a task that she would
> > > > > > believe that -- if she completed it -- she'd "win."
> > > > > > So she wasted a bunch of time trying to "win,"
> > > > > > while I watched a couple of good TV series with my
> > > > > > housemates. I leave it up to you to decide who
> > > > > > "won" in this scenario, or whether "winning" is 
> > > > > > even possible. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Both of the TV shows were "finds" I discovered on 
> > > > > > a UK list of "best TV of 2012." These shows have 
> > > > > > not (to my knowledge) been aired in the US, although 
> > > > > > they might someday, so I'll tell you about them just 
> > > > > > in case they are. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The first was an episode of a series called "Accused."
> > > > > > As I understand it (having seen no other episodes
> > > > > > but the one I watched), it's...uh...non-episodic, in
> > > > > > that there are no continuing characters or plotlines.
> > > > > > Each week's episode is standalone. The one that got
> > > > > > flagged as among the "best of the year" got that
> > > > > > honor because it starred Sean Bean (from LotR and 
> > > > > > Game Of Thrones) *as a transvestite*. The reviewer 
> > > > > > called his performance -- dressed in complete drag,
> > > > > > and looking remarkably like...uh...a man dressed in
> > > > > > drag, whom no one on earth would ever mistake for
> > > > > > a woman -- a "career best." She was right. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The second was a mini-series (two 90-minute episodes)
> > > > > > called "Restless." What drew me to it was the cast,
> > > > > > including actors of the quality of Hayley Atwell, 
> > > > > > Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Michael Gambon, and
> > > > > > (the clincher for me) Charlotte Rampling. It turned
> > > > > > out to be a well-written, tightly-crafted spy drama
> > > > > > set both in modern time and in flashbacks to the WWII
> > > > > > era. Charlotte Rampling plays the spy in modern times,
> > > > > > having to explain to her daughter (Dockery) that back
> > > > > > during the war she worked as a spy, and that people
> > > > > > from that era were now trying to find and kill her.
> > > > > > This leads to flashbacks of that era, with the young
> > > > > > spy being played by Hayley Atwell. This sorta thing
> > > > > > can be really lame and pedestrian in the wrong hands,
> > > > > > but "Restless" kinda clicked for me on all levels.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > There. That's how I spent my day yesterday. Doesn't
> > > > > > that sound more productive than diving into the past
> > > > > > digging through old posts made to a tiny Internet
> > > > > > forum that almost no one reads trying to "get" someone 
> > > > > > and "win" something that can never be "won?" :-)  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Priorities. For the cyberstalker/obsessive mentality,
> > > > > > *nothing* is more important than going for the "win."
> > > > > > For others, watching TV is much more fun. Different
> > > > > > strokes for different folks.  :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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