The Bush presidency squandered Clinton's budget surplus, cut taxes on the rich 
and spent like a drunken sailor on war. In 2008, they exposed the entire 
conservative philosophy of fiscal responsibility as a fraud.  What did they do 
to stay in power?  They rebranded the most radical wing of their party as the 
Tea Party as *fiscally responsible* and then they opened the floodgates for Ayn 
Randian, Libertarian corporate overlords like the Koch Brothers and Grover 
Norquist to pour millions into Tea Party candidates campaigning on lower taxes 
and deficit reduction. 

They claimed they were bipartisan and not interested in social issues, just 
jobs, jobs, jobs. After they took over the House in 2010, they promptly forgot 
about creating jobs and worked hand in hand with the GOP, banning abortion, 
demonizing gays, and denigrating women, attacking minorities, redefining rape 
and overturning Obamacare at the behest of the insurance industry. They lost 
2012 elections but 2010 gerrymandering victories kept the House under GOP 

The extremism and general ignorance of the Tea Party has tarnished its brand so 
horribly that Tea Party groups are shying away from the brand "Tea Party." What 
will they do to stay in power? They will simply rebrand themselves. The 
"National Liberty Federation," as reported in the Palm Beach Post in one such 
attempt. Don't be fooled again folks, these are the exact same Libertarian 
ideologues intent on making the rich richer, the poor poorer and gutting social 
security and Medicare, all under the guise of fiscal responsibility.

--- In, wgm4u  wrote:
> Ah, no big deal! And jeepers, what a great legacy he will leave behind. (How 
> sad for America, and the world.)

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