Billy, this is clearly a bargaining tactic being used by
someone trying to intimidate. It's simply not true, in my
experience, *having worked for a French company in France
for many years*. 

You won't believe this, of course, being as much of an
America bigot as the guy who spouted all this ignorant 
crap, but I'll tell you what my experience was, because
some people here might be brighter and more open to facts
than you are. 

Basically, the guy is either lying or ignorant about French
work hours. They *do* have a 35-hour work week, but that 
involves at most an hour for lunch, and *heads-down, work-
like-a-sonofabitch-focus* the rest of the time. The French
I worked with took fewer coffee and cigarette breaks than
ANY other coworkers in ANY American company I ever worked

What was even more surprising was that with that 35-hour 
work week the people I worked with (software developers)
*beat the socks off* of any American company I've ever worked
for (and that includes dozens, me being a consultant and all).
They designed development projects that were far more agres-
sive than any in ANY American company I've ever worked for,
and they *met* their goals, bringing the projects in on time,
under budget, and more importantly, DONE RIGHT. In verifiable
tests, our French developers made 150% fewer coding mistakes
than the "industry standard" in software development in the
U.S. Our QA ratings were literally the best in the business;
that is one of the reasons that IBM finally acquired the
original French company. 

One of the reasons I believe that this is true is that French
laws force employers to do what this asshole is so obviously
so unwilling to do -- treat employees like human beings. Our
employees got 6-8 weeks of paid vacation every year, literally
the best health care in the world (France consistently rates
as having the best), and lots of other perks that make them
stress-free and actually *happy* at their jobs. Show me ANY
U.S. company other than Google that can say that. 

When ILOG was acquired by IBM, we kept the *same* working
hours and employee benefits as before (because French law 
wouldn't have it any other way), but now within a larger 
corporation we were able to see how our "lazy French" teams
did against other IBM employees all over the world. They
kicked ass, achieving productivity and quality control levels
that NO OTHER IBM UNITs were able to achieve. 

I can imagine that there ARE some lazy-assed bastids in France,
just as there are in other places. But in my experience, in 
the world of high-tech, the U.S. isn't even in the same ballpark
as the French. THE AMERICANS are the lousy workers by comparison.

--- In, wgm4u <no_reply@...> wrote:
> "Keep your so-called workers," U.S. boss tells France
> By Emmanuel Jarry and Catherine Bremer
> PARIS | Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:24am EST
> (Reuters) - The CEO of a U.S. tire maker has delivered a crushing
> summary of how some outsiders view France's work ethic in a letter
> saying he would have to be stupid to take over a factory whose staff
> only put in three hours work a day.
> Titan International's Maurice Taylor, nicknamed "The Grizz" for his
> negotiating style, told the left-wing French industry minister in a
> letter published by media on Wednesday that he had no interest in
> rescuing a plant set for closure.
> "The French workforce gets paid high wages but works only three hours.
> They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for
> three," Taylor wrote on February 8 in the letter in English to the
> minister, Arnaud Montebourg.
> "I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me
> that's the French way!" Taylor added in the letter, which was posted by
> business <> daily Les Echos
> on its website and which the ministry confirmed was genuine.
> "Titan is going to buy a Chinese tire company or an Indian one, pay less
> than one Euro per hour wage and ship all the tires
> <\
> nt_mb_1001>  France <>  needs," he
> said. "You can keep the so-called workers."
> Socialist President Francois Hollande might take some comfort in
> Taylor's view of his own country'sbusiness
> <>  policies: "The U.S.
> government is not much better than the French," he said, referring to a
> dispute over Chinese exports.
> Montebourg's office said the letter was an authentic response to Paris
> consulting Titan as a possible buyer of U.S. group Goodyear's Amiens
> Nord factory in northern France
> <> .
> The minister refrained from an immediate reply: ""Don't worry, there
> will be a response," Montebourg told reporters on Wednesday after
> meeting Hollande. "It's better written down."
> Union leaders were less cautious. CGT official Mickael Wamen said Taylor
> belonged more "in an asylum" than the boardroom of a multinational
> company.
> Taylor's comments are the latest blow to France's image after verbal
> attacks last year by Montebourg on firms seeking to shut ailing
> industrial sites prompted international mockery.
> Combined with concerned over plans for a 75 percent "millionaires tax",
> Montebourg's antics drove London Mayor Boris Johnson to remark to an
> international business audience that it seemed France was being run by
> left-wing revolutionaries.
> Montebourg has also lashed out at cheap imports of manufactured goods
> from low-wage countries like China <>
> and last year told the boss of Indian steelmaker ArcelorMittal he was
> unwelcome in a spat over a shuttered plant in France.
> Despite having per-head productivity levels that rank among the best in
> Europe, economists blame France's rigid hiring and firing laws for a
> long industrial decline that has dented exports. Many also fault the
> country's 35-hour work week.
> Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co's Amiens Nord plant employs 1,250 workers, who
> have been battling demands that they work more shifts or accept layoffs.
> The government said in January that the site faced imminent closure.
> Talks with Titan over a possible purchase of the plant's farm tire
> section fell through last September after a failure to reach a deal with
> the CGT union on voluntary redundancies.
> Titan did not return calls on Monday evening for comment, but the
> company's website says that Wall Street analysts have dubbed Taylor "The
> Grizz" for his tough negotiating style.
> His letter to Montebourg accuses the French government of "doing
> nothing" in the face of Chinese competition.
> "Sir, your letter states that you want Titan to start a discussion. How
> stupid do you think we are?" he wrote. "Titan is the one with the money
> and the talent to produce tires
> <\
> nt_mb_1001> . What does the crazy union have? It has the French
> government."
> (Additional reporting by Christian Plumb and Elizabeth Pineau; Writing
> by Catherine Bremer; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)
> ODDLY ENOUGH <> Related Quotes
>     * The Goodyear Tire & Rubber CoGT.O
> <>
> $14.06-0.03-0.21%
>     * TEXT - Fitch affirms The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ratings
> <\
> panyNews>
>     * Goodyear profit tops expectations but outlook is cut
> <\
> B0PK20130212?type=companyNews>
> More GT.O News »
> <>
>     * Titan International IncTWI.N
> <>
> $26.93-0.04-0.15%
>     * "Keep your so-called workers," U.S. boss tells France
> <\
> OF20130220?type=companyNews>
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> ghtful-conversation-on-stories/
> <\
> tful-conversation-on-stories/> Comments (33)daedilus
> <>  wrote:`The Grizz' for
> President!
> Feb 20, 2013 9:11am EST  --  Report as abuse
> <\
> OF20130220> NealR.WV <> 
> wrote:Keep it up LIBERALS this is what we are headed for here in the US.
> It's not the long hrs or workers rights the gov libs are worried
> about, its that the gov wants more power and money. Power and money is
> what runs the liberal's lives.
> Feb 20, 2013 9:14am EST  --  Report as abuse
> <\
> OF20130220> worddust <> 
> wrote:Sounds like the French are still working harder than American
> Municipal, State and Federal workers.
> Feb 20, 2013 9:15am EST  --  Report as abuse
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