Dear Doctor, a grave responsibility you undertake moving your art in to film 
even for a man with such an advanced degree in life such as your own Self.  
Once a long time ago in 1932 a stern and spiritual warning was perceptively 
given about motion pictures and the responsibility of portrayal one has in 
wielding the power to action in the instrument of the  motion picture.  Please 
you should, must, listen to this profound and practical charge before you go 
any further:
With Love,

--- In, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I think I mentioned I was a visual artist for 40 years (hobby vs. job), 
> before putting together music. Now the tech allows me to do a music video, 
> blending what I have amassed on visual media over the years.
> I used Sony ACID Music Studio 8.0 for the music, and Windows Live Movie 
> Maker, to complete the production. 
> For those of you that watched my last one, this one is more active, and 
> better, imo. Moves right along, and don't miss the tiger. All I can say is, 
> idle hands are the devil's workshop - LOL!
> Oh, and please comment, if you want to, positively or otherwise. I always 
> appreciate feedback!!
> Light Water Reactor (3:54)

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