What's fascinating is Barry's absolute obliviousness
to the fact that every one of his eight posts so far
today has been a demonstration of his own compulsion
to wave his dick.

And he doesn't even need for anybody to wave their
dick at him to inspire him to wave his own.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> For the record, this kind of crap is *exactly* what I 
> meant earlier by Junior High School mean girls fight-
> ing imaginary clique battles. *Both* Share and Ann have
> had ample opportunity to just let this crap drop, to
> cease and desist with this embarrassingly passive-
> aggressive dick-waving. But noooooooo. *Both* of them
> feel that their puny selves are so important that they
> have to prolong it. 
> As those of us who actually moved on from Junior High
> School used to say back then, if brains were dynamite,
> neither of these women would have enough to blow 
> their noses. And IMO that also goes for anyone who 
> piles on to this pathetic argument-baiting in an 
> attempt to perpetuate it. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > I'll use the ex post as an example because it was the first one.  I think 
> > you sent it right before your trip.  Leaving it to the archivists of FFL I 
> > think you wrote:Â  I wonder how he feels about being called ex.
> > 
> > First of all there's an assumption that he knows he's being called ex.  
> > Which he didn't til I told him about this incident.
> > Second of all there's an assumption that if he had known, he would have had 
> > a feeling about it.
> > Finally there's an assumption that he would have had a negative feeling 
> > about it.  Which is indirectly a negative assumption about me.    
> > 
> > All these assumptions of yours are revealed more clearly by what you say 
> > below:Â  I asked if he minded being called an "ex" because to me that is so 
> > impersonal and does not indicate in any way feelings of fondness or 
> > closeness to that person. 
> > 
> > Exactly!  This is the negative assumption you made about me.  You did not 
> > make the correct and positive assumption.  Which is I call him ex to avoid 
> > using his name to protect his privacy.  I call him ex to avoid tediously 
> > writing ex intimate partner or ex significant other or ex pre fiance.  
> > 
> > But I did check with him because I am a really good person and though I 
> > know he would never in a bazillion years lurk on FFL, I didn't want to be 
> > doing something that might hurt him even on the quantum mechanical level (-:
> > 
> > And I think he had as usual a good insight when he said that it sounded 
> > like I pushed one of your buttons.  You say you've never been an ex.  But 
> > maybe you have an issue about someone being impersonal about you.  Or not 
> > feeling fondness or closeness with you.  Natural enough.  Just good to be 
> > clear that it's your issue.
> > 
> > I don't mind when people disagree with me, etc.  But when someone responds 
> > in a way that seems already prejudiced against me, then I'm not interested 
> > in engaging with that person.  How is that beneficial to anyone?  And 
> > certainly you sounded prejudiced against me in the ex instance and in what 
> > came after:Â  your responses about planets and individual responsibility; 
> > women and competition; Xeno and his diagnosis.  I do get your point about 
> > Norman churches.  But even that seemed gratuitously confrontational on 
> > your part. 
> > 
> > I get that we all make assumptions about what's posted here.  Seems the 
> > best we can do is make good guesses about someone's mindset based on their 
> > word choice, phraseology, etc.  And track record.  These 6 incidents 
> > listed below are your ONLY responses to my posts this year.  So your track 
> > record from last year seems to be continuing. Â Â  
> > 
> > Again, this is NOT about my allegedly not liking people to disagree with 
> > me, challenge me, etc.  This is about my not wanting to engage with people 
> > who sound prejudiced against and or as if they're carrying a grudge against 
> > me.  Especially when they express this in a gratuitously confrontational 
> > and or nasty way.
> > 
> > I believe you are beneficent towards others.  I've seen that here.  
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: Ann <awoelflebater@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 9:10 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex--this is spam! to Ann Judy Ravi
> >  
> > 
> > Â  
> > I am going to reply to this just because you got so many things skewed and 
> > you misinterpreted so much of what I wrote and what I meant. It is for the 
> > record not, evidently, for you per se as you clearly do not want to 
> > interact and you seem to miss what I am about approximately 90% of the 
> > time. You were correct, you don't 'get' me. Probably through no fault of 
> > your own.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Ann, these examples of mine below have nothing to do with our disagreeing 
> > > with each other.
> > 
> > I don't think I said they were.
> > 
> > >  They were all instances where I was exchanging with SOME OTHER FFL 
> > >POSTER and you responded, leading with a negative attitude towards me.
> > 
> > In your opinion. I am not actually negative in my feelings towards you, at 
> > least my interior experience is not one of negativity. It could be 
> > described more as trying to order what appears to me a disordered way of 
> > expressing oneself or thinking. Again, not your problem, merely my 
> > perception of you. 
> > 
> > >  For example, your assuming I'd call my ex ex if it bothered him.
> > 
> > What??! How did you come up with THAT conclusion? Now THAT is a projection 
> > on me. I asked if he minded being called an "ex" because to me that is so 
> > impersonal and does not indicate in any way feelings of fondness or 
> > closeness to that person. I never indicated that you must be calling him 
> > your "ex" because you knew he disliked it. 
> > 
> > >  You also seem desperate to be negative about me when you leap on 
> > >something casual I say, like you did with what I said about Norman 
> > >churches in FF.
> > 
> > Not "desperate" and not "leap(ing)". I don't get up in the morning 
> > salivating for your blood Share. You are not my reason for posting here and 
> > I don't look for ways to jump on you. "Norman" churches for me don't exist 
> > in North America just like Tudor houses don't. There are mock tudors and 
> > Norman style churches as far as I am concerned but maybe because I grew up 
> > in Europe it is a bias I have. There they have the real thing, built in the 
> > Norman times; so for me those are the real deal. Judy was correct in 
> > clarifying the architectural style as existing in North America but for me 
> > Norman is like Jacobean or Regency styles. If they aren't made in that era 
> > from materials that originated from that time for me they are faux or mock 
> > or neo. Technically I am probably wrong but there you have it.
> > 
> > >  Even Judy responded to you about that.  Twice.  That's when I 
> > >realized how desperate you are to see me in a negative way and that is why 
> > >I have avoided you.  I'm not interested in dealing with your prejudices 
> > >about me.  
> > 
> > Again, hardly "desperate". It is not always about you Share, you just 
> > happen to be the recipient of some of my posts and thoughts that result 
> > from reading what you write. You seem to think that if someone expresses 
> > doubt or disagrees about what you think or write that it is negative. It is 
> > not. It is a chance to question your own beliefs and to see how it feels to 
> > consider other viewpoints. So far, I only see you feeling put upon when 
> > others don't congratulate you on or agree with your world view.
> > > 
> > > Even today, you made fun of Mr. Leed for missing the humor of my post to 
> > > Buck this morning.
> > 
> > Actually, I read it that mr leed was ragging on me for making jokes about 
> > sidhas. I didn't read it as him addressing your post at all. He was 
> > actually seriously annoyed that I was making jokes about sidhas not being 
> > able to get around in the snow.
> > 
> > >  But you missed it too, didn't you?
> > 
> > Sure did, still do.
> > 
> > >  When you said:  wouldn't a true sidha be able to walk to the Dome, 
> > >etc.  Again, this is just you seeing me and writing about me in a 
> > >negative way.  
> > 
> > My God woman, these were not serious statements. This is where you possess 
> > a complete lack of an ability to laugh at yourself, at the world, at how I 
> > was joking about (and here I'll spell it out) how ironic that those who 
> > practice the siddhis can supposedly change the world, bring about great 
> > coherence and world peace but can't walk a mile in the snow or shovel out 
> > their car. 
> > 
> > > 
> > > By the way, I noticed you didn't criticize Steve for taking up for you 
> > > recently in Jan.
> > 
> > I don't even remember what you are referring to.
> > 
> > >  No making fun of him for being a knight on a white horse coming to 
> > >the aid of a damsel in distress.
> > 
> > Was I a damsel in distress? You could cite the post to jog (get it?) my 
> > memory because I am at a complete loss here.
> > 
> > >  Which is what you used to do when he came to my defense.  
> > >Remember?  So it's ok when he comes to your defense but not when he 
> > >comes to mine?  Why is that?
> > 
> > Again WHAT?! This is what I mean by disordered thinking. I just don't 
> > understand how your mind works, how you jump all around to all sorts of 
> > conclusions. I sort of watch you leaping about, quite excited and agitated 
> > and all I can do is follow you back and forth like watching some demented 
> > tennis match. 
> > > 
> > > I've accepted that we're not
> > >  compatible and I'm happy to not interact with you.  And you don't 
> > > seem to enjoy what I have to say, even when it's to other posters.  So 
> > > I wonder why you have kept trying to start an interaction with me this 
> > > year.
> > 
> > You could chalk it up to something Emily said today to you. It goes 
> > something like this:
> > " Remember however, I reserve the right to comment on anything that moves 
> > me."
> > 
> > >  Especially since it seems you've already come to a negative 
> > >conclusion about me and or what's in my post.  Which is your right of 
> > >course.  But generally I won't be participating in such.  There are 
> > >more enjoyable and or enriching exchanges to be had on FFL.
> > 
> > Well, it just so happens these kinds of places are a free for all, up to a 
> > point. That makes it interesting but also gives everyone the right to their 
> > opinion and the way things are set up one can respond to anyone by simply 
> > hitting 'reply'. I won't expect any of those from you but just remember, 
> > you are not seeing me clearly. I am much more beneficent than you could 
> > ever imagine.
> > __________________________
> > >  From: Ann 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 9:05 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: (Ouch...) Alex--this is spam! to Ann
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > My ex does not mind my calling him ex.  He laughed when I asked 
> > > > him and said that it sounded like I had pushed one of your buttons.
> > > 
> > > Well, since I am no one's 'ex' I don't have a button there to push.
> > > > 
> > > > Of course I know women can be competitive.  I played sports in 
> > > > grade school and high school.  And I'm here on FFL (-:
> > > 
> > > Oh, because your comment stated otherwise. Take a look at it again. Not 
> > > trying to say that you're wrong just that it looked like you were saying 
> > > you were glad you were a woman because it meant you didn't have to worry 
> > > about competing or being competitive.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Judy thoroughly answered your confront, er comment about Norman 
> > > > churches in FF, thank you.
> > > 
> > > I like the word "thoroughly" you used here to express what you felt was a 
> > > positive for you and a negative for me.
> > > > 
> > > > John perfectly answered your confront, er comment about the resigning 
> > > > Pope, responsibility and planets, thank you.
> > > 
> > > And "perfectly" here is an interesting observation. I will have to look 
> > > at that post again because I don't remember it. Have YOU ever answered me 
> > > thoroughly or perfectly do you think?
> > > > 
> > > > Concerning my NVC comment about contributing to someone's emotion vs 
> > > > causing it, I'll refer you to their website since I know how much you 
> > > > enjoy visiting such.
> > > 
> > > You don't need to, you already told me the juiciest part. 
> > > 
> > >   But beware, if you post it here, turq might call you 
> > > spammish.  Is it my imagination or is EVERYBODY confusing us for 
> > > each other?!  First turq, then Obbadohbba.  Who's 
> > > next?!  Nabby?!
> > > 
> > > Yes, interesting. Probably because we are so much alike.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Concerning my comment to Xeno about malignant diagnosis:  I bet 
> > > > you don't understand the Vulcan mind meld either!  
> > > 
> > > If it might indicate there is some sort of brain tumour in evidence in 
> > > someone then no, I am not familiar with it and it might scare me half to 
> > > death anyway. On the other hand, if it relates to some 60's TV show then 
> > > I could maybe do some research on the Vulcan mind meld and report back.
> > > > 
> > > > PS  I LOVE the little spam reference in Subject line.  
> > > > Nature organizes best (-:
> > > 
> > > Is nature in charge of FFL post titles? Would this qualify as support of 
> > > nature?
> > >
> >

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