Gee, Lawson, Robin went over this with you in some
depth back in June of last year:

You don't seem to have incorporated any of what he
told you into your own thinking--but you never refuted
any of it either.

Basically, the issue is that the notion of performing
siddhis "at will" in response to a skeptical demand is
inconsistent with how Maharishi defined Unity
Consciousness (which is how Robin experienced it).

--- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Anyone can claim he or she is enlightened.  But can he or she fly?
> > 
> > Nobody in the TM movement can fly. Is that really a criteria related to 
> > enlightenment? Is that anything a normal, healthy human being should be 
> > able to do? Does it have relevance to anything worthwhile or useful? Are 
> > humans who could fly smarter, more compassionate, more beautiful to look at?
> Basically, MMY said that anyone claiming to be in fully mature Unity 
> Consciousness who was unable to perform any and all of the siddhis at will, 
> was fooling themselves.
> My own corollary is that if you have been practicing TM and the TM-Sidhis 
> program regularly every day and start to believe that you are in Unity, you 
> can consult your own personal history with the TM-Sidhis to falsify your own 
> beliefs: if you haven't been floating regularly during Yogic Flying, you 
> certainly haven't suddenly attained "full enlightenment."
> This is similar to the check for being in full-blown CC: you may have 24 
> hour/day witnessing, but unless your meditation period leads you into 
> transcending for the entire period, every time, you can be certain that you 
> are not fully in CC.
> L

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