You might give it a try - you might first pull the TM wool from over your eyes, 
then cease the mantra practice - as to what type of personality you would 
develop post TM, who knows? Probably not like mine cuz you weren't raised on 
biscuits and gravy - that makes a difference you know. 

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 1:50 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: To card - mUrdhajyothiShi

Yeah. That's what Barry says too. I did not realize I was powerful enough to 
influence your worldviews. I am glad that I am. Yes, please do not do any TM on 
my account. In fact, I expressly FORBID you and Barry from doing TM, ever again.

Do you think if I stopped TM today, my personality would begin to morph more 
like yours and Barry's? One can only hope.

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Well, from your verbal behavior I would have to say that you are a perfect 
> reason not to do TM - of being in CC leads to the way you operate, no thanks 
> to TM and CC.
> ________________________________
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 12:04 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: To card - mUrdhajyothiShi
> " Jimbo will keep claiming he's in CC"
> I missed this misinformation earlier. I used to claim to be in CC, which I 
> was. Man, was that painful! Just as it grew from TC, CC also supports higher 
> states of consciousness. It must, just like a dirt pile supports a mountain. 
> Wake up, and catch up, please. I have been climbing for awhile, now, since my 
> proclamation of CC. It is no fun trying to run in place with you. 
> Recognize that static awareness is not in the interest of someone making 
> progress spiritually. There is nothing to defend in looking backwards, or 
> remaining steadfastly in place.
> You however, with your denial of your subjective reality, your own emotional 
> awareness, what is sometimes called the shadow, or the subconscious, continue 
> to be stuck.
> The bad stuff, and the good stuff, sadly, for you, is always outside of you. 
> You hide from your subjective reality, as many seekers do, believing that if 
> the world would simply change to their liking, they would be happy.
> You cherry pick the highlights of your outside life, while continuing to not 
> recognize that these are not highlights. These are expressions of this 
> creation, available 24/7.
> *Unless you think you know better*. In that case, the creation graciously 
> allows your denial of the gifts that could be yours, and allows you the 
> continued existence of a childish life.
> A childish life is hallmarked by the refusal to face one's shadow, living 
> superstitiously as you do, with your senseless beliefs. I call them 
> senseless, because they are not direct, they are not innocent. They are 
> merely in place to hold YOU in place, to hold you down. 
> A person living a childish life pays a great price for their web of beliefs 
> in themselves. It is a self centered existence, which it has to be, having 
> fear at its core. The lack of ability to see one's subjective self, one's 
> emotions as they paint one's thoughts, the shadow, the subconscious, causes 
> such a warping of life, that one lives crippled by that which they refuse to 
> see within themselves.
> So you can say anything you like about me, though I really, really appreciate 
> those who operate in the NOW, the present. Chasing down and dealing with your 
> particularly moldly ideas is a drag. Thanks.
> --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Ann"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "John"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Anyone can claim he or she is enlightened.  But can he or she fly?
> > > > 
> > > > Nobody in the TM movement can fly. Is that really a criteria related to 
> > > > enlightenment? Is that anything a normal, healthy human being should be 
> > > > able to do? Does it have relevance to anything worthwhile or useful? 
> > > > Are humans who could fly smarter, more compassionate, more beautiful to 
> > > > look at?
> > > 
> > > Basically, MMY said that anyone claiming to be in fully mature Unity 
> > > Consciousness who was unable to perform any and all of the siddhis at 
> > > will, was fooling themselves.
> > > 
> > > My own corollary is that if you have been practicing TM and the TM-Sidhis 
> > > program regularly every day and start to believe that you are in Unity, 
> > > you can consult your own personal history with the TM-Sidhis to falsify 
> > > your own beliefs: if you haven't been floating regularly during Yogic 
> > > Flying, you certainly haven't suddenly attained "full enlightenment."
> > > 
> > > This is similar to the check for being in full-blown CC: you may have 24 
> > > hour/day witnessing, but unless your meditation period leads you into 
> > > transcending for the entire period, every time, you can be certain that 
> > > you are not fully in CC.
> > 
> > Lawson, Lawson, Lawson...haven't you learned yet that 
> > "Maharishisez" is only valid when it agrees with some-
> > thing that one of his supposed followers WANTS to believe? :-)
> > 
> > Thus Robin will still keep claiming that he was in UC, 
> > and Jimbo will keep claiming he's in CC, and others will
> > keep claiming whatever it is that their out-of-control
> > egos claim, regardless of what Maharishi said about it. 
> > And gullibleniks like JohnR will keep claiming that MMY
> > could fly, even though neither he nor anyone else ever
> > saw it happen. 
> > 
> > Personally, I don't think that Maharishi's "definitions"
> > of ANYTHING are accurate, but it always amazes me that
> > those who claim *to* believe that they are can be so 
> > willing to disregard them any time they want to claim
> > something else that makes *them* seem more self important.
> > 
> > And it's all Maharishi's fault. After all, *HE* was the
> > one who taught them for decades that the ultimate "test"
> > of reality was one's subjective experience. As a result,
> > they'll write Maharishi off as "uninformed" as easily as
> > they'll write off objective reality. 
> > 
> > As for Ann's comment, the Fred Lenz - Rama guy *could*
> > levitate, full hanging-there-in-mid-air-in-the-same-way-
> > that-a-brick-doesn't stuff. Hundreds of people saw him
> > do it, often in public lectures full of non-students who
> > witnessed this. Does that make him enlightened? 
> > 
> > A lot of people did. I was never one of them, although
> > I certainly witnessed this myself. I always believed
> > what Maharishi *used* to say, back in the early days of
> > his teachings, that there was *no relationship whatsoever*
> > between the ability to perform siddhis and being enlight-
> > ened. Apples and oranges. The only thing that ever led
> > me to even suspect that Rama might have had some enlight-
> > enment of some kind going for him was what it was like
> > to meditate with him. As you stated above in your comment
> > about CC, that experience was just pure, thoughtless
> > silence. That was never my experience during the few
> > times Maharishi ever meditated with us; quite the
> > opposite, in fact. 
> > 
> > Good to see you're still hanging in there, Lawson, and
> > still making good sense from time to time. Also good to
> > see that you're avoiding the Standard Cult Response
> > that so many here rely on -- reacting to some criticism
> > of MMY or TM or the TMO that they cannot counter intel-
> > lectually or rationally by playing Demonize The Critic. 
> > 
> > Do they think that no one *notices* that they do this,
> > while never addressing the criticisms that pushed their
> > buttons? Go figure. :-)
> >


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