Chavez wasn't perfect by any means.  I recall watching a Frontline 
report several years ago on him.  He had some good ideas but was unable 
to carry them out.  One thing he could have done was divvy up the oil 
profits to Venezuelans. Something like what is done in a Alaska.  The 
Frontline report showed that he had a program for people to set up and 
run their own businesses.  Some socialism, eh?  The problem was these 
people didn't know how to run a business and he simply needed to add a 
training program for that.  "60 Minutes" also reported on a wonderful 
program he had for music education in the country which the reporter 
thought should be done in the US.

It's been interesting to see the reaction especially comments on the 
news stories about Chavez death.  Those confirm we are living in a 
country of brainwashed bots who can't even define capitalism properly 
let alone socialism.

And nothing saying his family might give away a lot of that money.

On 03/06/2013 07:36 PM, seventhray27 wrote:
> I'm just pointing out that the hero of the poor managed to amass a 2
> billion fortune for him and his family, and if things go as they usually
> do, his family will live like aristocrats and have little concern with
> the masses.
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 03/05/2013 08:03 PM, seventhray27 wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
>>>> On 03/01/2013 12:28 PM, John wrote:
>>>>> He wanted to play a powerful role of the politics in South
> America.
>>> It appears that destiny has other plans for him.
>>>> Hopefully his spirit will remain and others continue his cause of
>>> making
>>>> South America for the people and not just a few rich assholes.
>>> Does that apply to the estimated 2 billion dollar fortune he amassed
> for
>>> him and his family. How exactly does that figure into the equation?
>> A measly 2 billion? What about the Koch brothers? What about Warrne
>> Buffet? What about Bill Gates? What about George Lucas (also a
>> billionaire in case you didn't know)? I suppose Chavez was fighting
>> fire with fire. Personally I think billionairism is a disease and no
>> one should have an estate worth more than a few million dollars.
>> Actually Chavez was kinda wacky but he kept the Venezuelan oil
>> billionaires guessing until they figured out how to game him a bit.
> But
>> I liked how he was a thorn in the side of US intervention and
>> exploitation of South America. And of course US goons will now be up
> to
>> more mischief in that country now that Chavez is gone.
>> Or are you going to march lockstep with the Tea Party crowd? I hope
> not.

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