--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@...> wrote:
> turquoiseb: 
> > The Judyborg lives in fuckin' New Jersey, ferchrissakes,
> >
> So, you're thinking that living on a dank, man-made canal 
> rates higher than living on the beach of an ocean? Go figure.

I don't live *on* the beach, I live a block away (but
within sight of the ocean).

> > and probably leaves only to visit relatives in the US.
> >
> Maybe, but if she wanted to, Judy could probably afford to 
> visit anywhere in the world.

I could indeed. What I'd really like to do is to take a
cruise on a freighter (container ship). Many such ships
these days have a cabin or two for folks who want a quiet,
relaxed ocean voyage but can't stand the idea of one of
those monster cruise ships. You're one of only a handful
of passengers, and you get treated like royalty, eat in
the officers' mess, have the run of the ship, get friendly
with the crew, stop at non-touristy ports of call. No
frills, but supposedly very comfortable accommodations.

If anyone here has any recommendations or suggestions
along these lines, I'm all ears (eyes).

> "It is also the third-wealthiest U.S. state by 2011 median 
> household income."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Jersey

And most of the state is beautiful. Tourism is one of its
leading industries.

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