I think a reasonable explanation would be an analogy of when I used to play 
soccer when I was a kid.  When we were in elementary school, we were always 
kicking the ball as hard as we could, trying to score a goal from the other 
side of the field.  Out of frustration with our lack of progress and real 
teamwork, our coach pulled us together and explained how ridiculous our 
strategy was.  He had to break things down step by step on how to slowly and 
methodically move the ball down the field.  After that, we worked much better.

I think the TMO has been functioning with the same strategy.  They have always 
sought out famous people and tried their whole Natural Law Party gig in the 
90's.  Instead of working slowly and steadily towards the goal of getting more 
people to meditate, the goal was to make it extremely popular at the top level 
or to influence the government to fund the whole thing.  It's like they were 
always trying to win the lottery instead of find a practical plan that is more 
likely to work.

I guess the reason is because of the success in the 70's with the Beatles.  But 
times have changed, yet the TMO hasn't.  I think they're still holding onto the 
idea of winning another lottery of followers like back in the 70's.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays <dickmays@> wrote:
> >
> > From: Ken Chawkin <kchawkin@>
> > 
> > The US Weekly and AAA Living Magazine are from Joe Toth. 
> > There are many more stars who do TM that are not on this list, but it's 
> > still pretty impressive!
> Can someone please explain to me why this is important...why the "stars" who 
> practice TM is important? Oh, I think I get it; could this be the "ideal 
> society" predicted where we live our lives vicariously through the lives of 
> our "stars" of film, stage, and music? Talk about screwed up 
> priorities...give me a break!

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