--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
> > > guideline for its employees and officers?
> > 
> > Probably not, I imagine they still hope that the stuff they
> > teach about spontaneous right action and coherent behaviour
> > is actually true and they therefore don't need a legal fall 
> > back.
> > 
> > But if this story is true, it isn't an employee it's the guy
> > at the top and he isn't going to want harassment guidelines
> > is he?
> > 
> > Still, at least he hasn't claimed he was "helping her with
> > her karma". I look forward to a full report in TM News 
> > magazine.
> >
> What is the TM administration going to do about him? [?] The Girish story 
> seems to broaden everyday.  Do a google 'news' search for "Girish Varma".  He 
> comes right up now,  Times of India every day:  Molestation, extortion, 
> attemped murder,  Sex in the back seat of an Audi.  Five-Star Hotels. Other 
> women come forward.  It's very unfortunate.  Jeeesus.     
> The guy could take the whole Indian TM sub-continent down with him and TM 
> Europe and the Americas too.  Who would want to be associated with him?
> http://globalpeaceproject.net/about-us/the-foundation/brahmananda-saraswati-foundatio-board-of-directors/
Agreed, he could take the entire TMO down.  At the very least, there will need 
to be major restructuring, looking over finances (that is if there is anything 
left for the TMO as opposed to the family members!).  Girish could be the 
legacy that gets remembered. Starts with MMY and the Beatles and the finale is 
50 years later with Girish. Somewhere here are lessons to be learned.  It could 
be that TM-USA will separate from India. Seems in India it was just a big 
business with a cover story of education..  Here, we raised the money for them, 
and also did the scientific research part. 
Buck, are there big raja meetings to discuss this stuff? I wold think that 
Bevan and JOhn and RajaRaam are pretty worried.

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