--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Perhaps before you completely disappear into the fog of all the dramatic 
> > > but unspecified umbridge floating around here, you can finish what YOU 
> > > started:
> > 
> > Curtis, I don't disappear. No fog, I am transparent. What's this about 
> > 'dramatic'? You and Barry had some fun between yourselves today. You 
> > thought you might have been talking about me. You were not. In fact, you 
> > got so off on some agenda of your own I gave up trying to follow you. Tell 
> > you what. While I'm finding quotes to show your 'lamentation' and whining 
> > you find quotes of mine to show I was supporting  Robin, getting 
> > uncomfortable with your exchanges or in some way interfering with whatever 
> > it was you were talking about with him for the last three days? Deal?
> Deja vu man:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Oh, I spent an hour this morning cutting and pasting your "lamentations", 
> > > Curtis, into a post which I had to leave to go do my barn chores and when 
> > > I came back I couldn't find the thing. So I can start over if you like 
> > > but in the meantime, show me anything I have written in the last four 
> > > days that has indicated or said directly that I disapprove of your posts 
> > > with Robin or where I have made any references about your posts in the 
> > > last four days here. Just one teeny word or phrase will do.
> Me, delivering as promised:
> > 
> Ann: > < I think you should do what you want but don't then lament and cry> 
> about it as if you are some long-suffering martyr.>
> Ann: reneging and trying to move the goal post again.
> Sorry Ann, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. I get it.  I was 
> giving you a chance to explain your unfriendly interpretation of my 
> interaction with Robin because we have had friendlier times and I didn't 
> understand what you were putting out toward me.  I've lost interest and am 
> not going confront you about it ad nauseum Robin style.  It was your choice 
> to explain or not.  
> > > 
> > > Ann:
> > > < What has Barry said on this subject? Not that different from what I am 
> > > saying.
> > > The big difference is that he doesn't think you should bother interacting 
> > > with the crazy NPD person and I think you should do what you want but 
> > > don't then lament and cry about it as if you are some long-suffering 
> > > martyr.>
> > > 
> > > Me:
> > > Here the passive aggressive nature of your post zooms forth. I would like 
> > > you to show me where I have lamented and cried as if I was a 
> > > long-suffering martyr.
> > > 
> > > I'm sure your computer will be more cooperative this time.
> > 
> > I don't owe you a damn thing, not after your behaviour today.>
> First of all you definitely do not owe me an damn thing. Not an explanation 
> for why said the things you did about me in my conversation with Robin.  I 
> was giving you a chance to explain how you have been showing up.  Your 
> choice.  Secondly, what's with the unspecified "your behavior" umbrage 
> machine you are laying down?  Point out something specific you want me to 
> explain, and I will tell you why I said it.
> I will start here since you brought it up:
> Ann<you find quotes of mine to show I was supporting  Robin,>
> Well you let me have it, and didn't say a word about him for one.
> < getting uncomfortable with your exchanges>
> This is just a guess on my part.  You were telling me that I needed to either 
> have conversations with Robin but not give my opinion about how he was 
> interacting, or stop interacting with him.  But neither of them were your 
> business, you were inserting yourself. I believe our conversations triggered 
> you, otherwise why would you care what I say about my interactions enough to 
> let me have it. "shit or get off the pot" was way over the line of casual 
> interest in someone else's post exchanges.  And your little flash back 
> description of what it was like with Robin including your odd bravado that I 
> wouldn't last an hour at the mic but you were able to get through three and a 
> half years for over ten hours a day did in fact leak more information about 
> your perspective than your more careful presentation of it does. I still 
> stand by my , you got triggered, interpretation to understand it.  You had no 
> reason to focus hostility toward me and you actually seem a bit clueless that 
> you had in fact focused hostility toward me. I gave you a chance to explain, 
> you doubled down, end of story for me.  Ravi seems to be able to interpret 
> your feelings more to your satisfaction than I am.  OK.
> < or in some way interfering with whatever it was you were talking about with 
> him for the last three days?>
> I never claimed this.  This is your invention so I have no explanation.  Do 
> you?
> < But, guess what? I'm going to go through the posts again and find them for 
> you just because you are too lazy to go through them and find them yourself >
> Whoa.  It was your choice of words,not mine. I have no idea why you chose 
> them, I think they are misdirected.  Number two did you really run that 
> routine in a conversation about you calling ME a long suffering martyr?  You 
> did that with a straight face?
> <or to admit to yourself that you are torn between ignoring Robin and 
> following his every word.>
> I am not torn.  I have the discussion till it no longer interests me.  Same 
> as with you and the clock is ticking fast on this conversation.
> < Am I being 'unpleasant'? Not nearly as unpleasant as you have been today.>
> How?  After your description of your time with Robin was it really a news 
> flash that some of us might suspect you were affected by that?  Three and a 
> half years, over 10 hours a day of Robin?  Yeah, both Barry and I think you 
> might have been affected like any other human in that situation.  And no I 
> don't believe you are even conscious enough of how it has affected you to 
> deal with it.  That is my opinion from seeing you operate here.
>  <What, after all this time reading what I have to say, you expect me to roll 
> over and play dead? I am who I am  and anyone with eyes in their head and an 
> IQ over 30 knows what I am all about. Never, for one minute, have I presented 
> myself as any saint, enlightened person or above fallibility. I call it like 
> I call it and right now you could come "clean" and admit you're creating a 
> drama here. For what ends I don't care to conjecture. >
> You are just venting here.  I can't relate to any of this.
> <But I will tell you one thing: your behaviour has been an incentive for all 
> sorts of interesting exhibitions of meanness by certain posters here. >
> My "behavior" is not the "incentive" for anyone.  People post what they want. 
>  Don't try to pin on me what other posters say to or about you.  Discuss it 
> with them. I don't hold you accountable for the shit Ravi is slinging about 
> me in support of you. 
> I gave you a chance to show up differently Ann.  So we now have gained some 
> better insight into how we view each other.
> I am fine with that. I no longer care why you said what you said.  I don't 
> believe you could give me a straight answer even if you wanted to. And you 
> have made it very clear that you do not want to.  So unlike Robin, I am 
> shutting off the mic now. 

Phew, thank God for that but I'd already left the room a while ago. And I don't 
think a soul here, including me, could stand another minute of our 
'discussion'. It has to have been one of the most misconstrued I have ever 
engaged in with anybody in my entire life. Seriously.

Perhaps an opportunity will come up where we can have a constructive 
conversation. I'm always open to fresh starts, but I think you know that. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Breath of fresh air here. Common sense, a voice of experience and 
> > > > reason. This is what I can respond to, relate to. Not crazy tangential 
> > > > meanderings off into a la-la land of misconstrued meanings and 
> > > > mean-spirited invective. 
> > > > 
> > > > It is, in fact, possible to lay out facts without hostility, without 
> > > > airing pent up frustration from some past history with someone and to 
> > > > dig a little deeper into oneself to try and find what is true and real 
> > > > - what is relevant and what transcends the ego. So far, the last few 
> > > > days, and today especially, have illustrated some pretty low aspects of 
> > > > people; like some sort of anything-goes, orgiastic (Robin wasn't far 
> > > > off on that one re: Curtis in his recent post) indulgence in bad 
> > > > choices, bad behaviour. Very little self-control and a slathering 
> > > > (sorry Judy) for blood that was awe-inspiring to witness. I mean, even 
> > > > sweet, apologetic Share broke a sweat swinging the battering ram and 
> > > > boy did she ever have fun doing it. 
> > > > 
> > > > For all you lurkers out there it might get even better tomorrow. I 
> > > > certainly hope not, my faith in humanity is shaky at the best of times. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Very short on posts, so I'm combining several responses
> > > > > in this one.
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula 
> > > > > <chivukula.ravi@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You have got to be kidding me.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This exchange between Curtis and Barry marks a new low on FFL.
> > > > > > The fact that they reduce Robin's brilliance, intelligence,
> > > > > > wisdom to a set of BSM rituals and a set of labels from DSM
> > > > > > shows how devious and emotionally, intellectually, morally,
> > > > > > ethically bankrupt both are.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Not to mention the outright falsehoods. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > God knows I'm used to seeing dishonesty and unfairness of
> > > > > all kinds from certain people on FFL. But this post of
> > > > > Curtis's to Barry contains more falsehoods than I have ever
> > > > > seen crammed into a single post.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > Hats off to Ann for successfully pushing Curtis's buttons -
> > > > > > till yesterday it was just a benign accusation of
> > > > > > word-flood and subjective imagination on part of Robin - 
> > > > > > look at how he dramatically escalates. Curtis can't tolerate
> > > > > > this opposition - he has to totally dominate, he did that
> > > > > > with Emily and now Ann.
> > > > > 
> > > > > That's exactly right, he cannot tolerate opposition, and 
> > > > > after a certain point he loses control. He's done it with
> > > > > raunchy as well, and goodness knows he's tried to do it
> > > > > with you and me. (Did you notice that in his next post he
> > > > > accuses me of being autistic? "On the spectrum" means on
> > > > > the autism spectrum.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > > It's sickening - totally nauseating. I don't have any
> > > > > > patience to go through his vomit - I will let Judy do
> > > > > > the honors.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm going to take my time with it and do a thorough job.
> > > > > I probably won't post my response until next week so I
> > > > > can deal with any fallout.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You two are funny. You have gotten off on a rather circuitous
> > > > > > tangent about my lingering attachment, a la Patty Hearst, to
> > > > > > a former cult that I left behind many, many years ago. You
> > > > > > are attempting to analyze while at the same time call into
> > > > > > question my sanity. All over me suggesting Curtis stop
> > > > > > interacting with someone who he feels is an endless repeater
> > > > > > of no-win word flood arguments.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Or maybe Robin should stop interacting with Curtis. Curtis
> > > > > will never give him a fair and honest shake, and Robin's
> > > > > decency and integrity won't allow him to go after Curtis
> > > > > with the same kind of underhanded tactics that are Curtis's
> > > > > specialty.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > How does this relate to what you two have been discussing
> > > > > > here as you roll merrily down the train tracks headed for
> > > > > > Wichita when the party is happening over here in Spokane?
> > > > > 
> > > > > It's just a detour that allows them to get at Robin through
> > > > > you. He's still the real target.
> > > > > 
> > > > > FWIW, from everything I know of you, Ann, you are one of the
> > > > > sanest, most balanced posters on FFL. I'm not the first person
> > > > > to say so, either; many others have noticed as well. This and
> > > > > your first-hand experience with Robin in the past make you
> > > > > exceptionally dangerous to the folks who are determined to
> > > > > destroy Robin, so they need to try to destroy you along with
> > > > > him.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Curtis, thanks again for what you say here and how you say
> > > > > > it. I want to reply to Ann and your insight about her still
> > > > > > processing about leaving WTS is very helpful to me as I think
> > > > > > about what I want to say to her.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm sure Ann can hardly wait. But don't you think it
> > > > > would be more honest for you to wait to hear what she has
> > > > > to say before referring to Curtis's thoughts about her as
> > > > > an "insight" (as opposed to a "speculation")?
> > > > > 
> > > > > > What I most question about some posters here is how 
> > > > > > they have a double standard. For example, recently 
> > > > > > Judy has been writing extensively about corruption. 
> > > > > > But not one word did she say when Robin made his, 
> > > > > > what I'll call very hard porn comment about you.
> > > > > 
> > > > > And here, it would have been much smarter for you to
> > > > > ask me if Robin's "hard porn" comment about Curtis
> > > > > fell under my definition of "corruption" before 
> > > > > accusing me of having a "double standard."
> > > > > 
> > > > > It did not, of course. It fell under my definition of
> > > > > extremely sophisticated humor. (For the excessively
> > > > > literal minded: Yes, the form the humor took was crude;
> > > > > it was the idea behind it that was so sophisticated.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > It was one of the funniest remarks I've ever read on
> > > > > FFL.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Obviously you missed the humor, and you don't seem to
> > > > > have the foggiest notion of what I mean by "corruption."
> > > > > 
> > > > > Nor, BTW, have I "been writing extensively" about it.
> > > > > I've mentioned it several times to describe the behavior
> > > > > of people such as Curtis, Barry, and yourself, but I
> > > > > haven't gone into any detail, assuming that most here
> > > > > are smart enough to know what I've been referring to.
> > > > > Clearly I was mistaken in your case.
> > > > > 
> > > > > So let me give you a very clear example of what I mean
> > > > > by "corruption": Your own posts today. They smell so
> > > > > bad, I had to breathe through my mouth as I read them.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 <no_reply@> 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Well done Curtis. Your analysis IMHO is spot on and 
> > > > > > offered in a reasonable, calm and heartfelt way 
> > > > > > especially considering what you went through 
> > > > > > yesterday. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Unfortunately, you've been hornswoggled. Almost nothing
> > > > > in Curtis's post was accurate. Much of it was 
> > > > > deliberately false; some was Curtis giving his own
> > > > > warped perceptions and speculations WAY more credit than
> > > > > they warranted.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Curtis has put an enormous amount of study and practice
> > > > > into appearing "reasonable, calm and heartfelt" as he
> > > > > spins the most egregiously preposterous tales. Some of us
> > > > > who have interacted with him on a regular basis over
> > > > > time have come to realize just how devious he is, how 
> > > > > ruthless and calculating and malicious is the mendacity
> > > > > of his attacks on those who dare to challenge him.
> > > > > 
> > > > > As I told salyavin yesterday, if you find this difficult
> > > > > to  believe, there's one good way to test it: engage him,
> > > > > up close and personal, in a contentious debate.
> > > > > 
> > > > > You're not likely to see it otherwise. He's too good at
> > > > > what he does. But the revelation will dawn because you
> > > > > will know what you said, what you meant, what your
> > > > > points were, and what the context was in which you made
> > > > > them. Then in his replies, you'll see how he simply
> > > > > *erases* all of that and substitutes his own context. He
> > > > > will never actually address what you said--but he will
> > > > > make it *appear* that he did, and nobody but you will
> > > > > be the wiser.
> > > > > 
> > > > > It's really a remarkable performance. Nobody believes he
> > > > > does what he does until they experience it being done *to
> > > > > them*.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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