--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
<all anybody > else has to do to see what the problem is, is to get
> into a hostile debate with you,

I just couldn't make this stuff up! Is that all they have to do?

Maybe everyone else isn't hostile Judy.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Sometimes you hit comedy gold here:
> > 
> > Judy:
> > <To everyone else,> he appears to be perfectly reasonable.>
> > 
> > The problem is with EVERYONE ELSE!
> That's pretty funny, Curtis, but it's your "comedy gold,"
> not mine.
> Unfortunately it works only if you snip the rest of the
> paragraph. Here it is in full:
> > > It's his standard M.O. in any contentious discussion. And
> > > he's very, very good at it. As I've pointed out here before,
> > > you can only see what he's doing when it's *your* context
> > > he's erasing and replacing with his own. To everyone else,
> > > he appears to be perfectly reasonable.
> The problem is with you, not anybody else. All anybody
> else has to do to see what the problem is, is to get
> into a hostile debate with you, as I've pointed out so
> many times now.
> Notice that Curtis is unable to address anything I said
> in the post he's responding to.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Carol I believe you have a much better way to asses the kind
> > > > of person I am beyond Judy's filter.
> > > 
> > > Right, ignore what Judy says and look through Curtis's 
> > > filter instead.
> > > 
> > > > I have nothing to do with John Knapp or his perspective,
> > > 
> > > I concur that Curtis has nothing to do with Knapp or his
> > > perspective (aside from their mutual antipathy to Maharishi
> > > and the TMO). And Knapp's and Curtis's psychopathologies
> > > are different in many respects; Knapp's does not serve him
> > > nearly as well as Curtis's serves him.
> > > 
> > > > and in fact have my own stories which I am really not
> > > > interested in sharing on a public board.
> > > > 
> > > > Robin and I really enjoyed communicating on this board for
> > > > a long time and I think we both feel that period was a
> > > > highlight in our posting history here.  The complex reasons
> > > > that lead to our falling out are not even clear to either
> > > > of us, and we have both processed some of them openly here
> > > > on this forum.
> > > > 
> > > > The risk of doing that is that someone with ill will toward
> > > > one of us can use specific statements for their own goals.
> > > 
> > > What Curtis is referring to here is a specific statement
> > > he made a few days ago to Barry about an exchange between
> > > him and Robin from the very beginning of their conversations.
> > > 
> > > That statement by Curtis was documentably false; it 
> > > misrepresented what had transpired in that early exchange,
> > > and the misrepresentation was clearly in the interest of
> > > Curtis's current goals.
> > > 
> > > In this case Curtis's goal was to portray his 
> > > conversations with Robin as having fallen apart because
> > > Robin would not tolerate Curtis's skepticism about
> > > Robin's claim to have experienced Unity Consciousness
> > > decades previously.
> > > 
> > > That portrayal by Curtis was also knowingly false,
> > > massively and maliciously so. Robin's claim about his
> > > past enlightenment experiences was not what his
> > > disagreements with Curtis were about.
> > > 
> > > In more general terms, Curtis's intention with those
> > > false statements--and others--was to make Robin look
> > > like a loon, someone so insistent on his purported
> > > delusions of past grandeur that he'd bust up an 
> > > otherwise very rewarding friendship because the other
> > > person wouldn't buy into them.
> > > 
> > > That is *so* appallingly untrue and unfair, and it's
> > > purely malicious on Curtis's part.
> > > 
> > > > That is the nature of a public forum and the evaluation
> > > > of it's risk reward balance is always a continual
> > > > assessment for me.
> > > 
> > > Hopefully Curtis is now assessing whether the risk of
> > > making those knowingly false statements to Barry was
> > > worth the reward. He's having to do damage control,
> > > and that's very difficult because everything is on the
> > > record.
> > > 
> > > > Judy's view of what went on between Robin and me is not
> > > > some clear "truth" about it.
> > > 
> > > Happens to be very close to Robin's view of what went
> > > on between himself and Curtis, however. And since Robin
> > > was one of the two participants, his view would seem to
> > > carry some significant weight. Plus which, it's
> > > supported by the record of what has been posted here.
> > > 
> > > > It is her very unflattering opinion of me which has been
> > > > a consistent theme for a very long time.
> > > 
> > > And which is shared by Robin, albeit for a shorter period,
> > > since he only encountered Curtis for the first time back
> > > in June of 2011.
> > > 
> > > > The topic changes, but the narrative is the same.
> > > 
> > > Which might be because I'm a nasty person who simply
> > > wants to lash out at other people, or because Curtis's
> > > dishonest and unfair behavior has been consistent since
> > > I first ran into him in the late '90s on alt.m.t.
> > > 
> > > > Although I don't have a very flattering view of Judy
> > > > either, I am not interested in making a case for my
> > > > opinion by fighting a war of quotes with her here.
> > > > That is not a statement of me conceding that her view
> > > > is accurate.
> > > 
> > > Curtis is making a case for his opinion in this post to
> > > Carol by doing what Robin has dubbed "legislating reality"--substituting 
> > > his own context for mine and Robin's by fiat,
> > > without ever actually confronting or addressing or even
> > > acknowledging the differences.
> > > 
> > > It's his standard M.O. in any contentious discussion. And
> > > he's very, very good at it. As I've pointed out here before,
> > > you can only see what he's doing when it's *your* context
> > > he's erasing and replacing with his own. To everyone else,
> > > he appears to be perfectly reasonable.
> > > 
> > > Poor Knapp could only dream of having this kind of subtle
> > > skill.
> > > 
> > > The fact remains that no amount of skill in legislating
> > > reality can overcome the actual evidence of the record of
> > > what has been posted to FFL. Besides the false statements
> > > I noted above, there's a host of other misstatements of
> > > fact in Curtis's recent posts. Curtis does not want to
> > > "fight a war of quotes" because he knows what the quotes
> > > will show.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  
> > > > 
> > > > I thought I owed you that explanation at least.
> > >
> >

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