For fairly obvious reasons such as geography and
history, the U.S. hasn't had anywhere near as much
terrorism as most European countries. Just a guess,
but I'll bet if we had had as much of it as they
have had, we'd be just as blase about it. When it
happens here, it's a Big Deal because it's so rare,
and it's only natural that we react to it with alarm.

And if terrorism in Europe were as rare as it is here,
I would imagine Europeans would freak out at it just
as much as we do.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I spent two rather formative years -- between the ages
> of 14 and 16 -- in Morocco. Living there on Air Force
> bases, but spending as much of my time as was feasible
> in Marrakech or Casablanca because...well...they were
> just more interesting, I encountered terrorism long
> before most of you had ever heard the word. 
> There was little of it in Morocco itself, because *as
> a result of terrorism* it had gained its independence
> from France some time earlier, but it was a rare cafe
> or bar in which I didn't meet people who had seen it
> and felt its effects. 
> Then I ventured with a friend to Algeria over a long
> school holiday, naively telling our parents we were
> going elsewhere, but instead (even more naively) head-
> ing into a certifiable War Zone. Algeria was still 
> fighting for its independence, in a three-sided war 
> (the French, the Arab Algerians, and the "Pied Noirs" 
> or "black feet" -- third- and fourth-generation 
> Europeans who knew that they would be thrown out of 
> the country if it gained its independence) that was 
> bloody and awful. 
> My friend and I were sitting at an outdoor cafe in
> Algieria one day when a truck rolled by. It was one
> of those trucks with a sheet of canvas covering the
> back of it, and as it passed our cafe, the canvas
> was thrown back to reveal a tripod-mounted machine
> gun, with two guys manning it. It opened fire on
> the cafe we were sitting in, and we dived for cover
> behind quickly-overturned marble tables, as did the
> other patrons.
> As it turns out, no one was hit by the flying bullets,
> and after the truck passed, my friend and I got up,
> righted our table, and looked around. What I saw made
> a BIG impression on me. 
> The French and Arab patrons sharing the cafe with us
> had not even spilled their drinks. They "took them
> down with them" when hiding beneath the tables, and
> then emerged with them still full after the incident
> was over. 
> THAT made an impression. 
> These people lived with a level of everyday terrorism
> that makes the things JohnR and other fearful Americans
> worry about pale by comparison. But they *didn't let it
> fuck up their day, or change their lifestyles*. 
> I have seen the same thing in many other European 
> countries I've lived in since. I've been in Paris after
> bombs exploded, and watched the city in the days after-
> wards. Nothing changed. No one altered their schedules
> or adjusted their lifestyles in any way. I've been in
> Spain after the train bombing there. Not only did no
> one succumb to fear and paranoia, several *million*
> people marched in protest, and brought down the govern-
> ment that stupidly first tried to blame the attack on 
> Basque separatists.
> What makes terrorism WORK is becoming TERRORIZED. 
> The goal of terrorism is not to kill people. It's to 
> instill fear in those who survive, and make them so
> fearful that they no longer feel capable of living
> their everyday, fulfilling lives in the ways they
> want to live them. 
> Smart people do not fall for this. Dumb people do.

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