Would you be open to the possibility that you may be attached to the ideas of 
karma the Hindus have promoted for centuries? The only reason people believe 
that point of view is true is that they believe it. 

In truth, our reality is based on perception. For example, many people are 
convinced that Marshy was a saint and would therefore go to some sort of 
Hiranyaloka where others believe that he would be consigned to the places as 
you say, that criminals go.

Moorjani didn't say that karma doesn't exist, only that her perception was 
there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the fear thoughts and 
feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in her body.

The idea that one goes into freedom upon death is not new. Read Michael Roads 
book Journey into Oneness. He has some experiences of similar bent.

I took from her book the feeling that we are so powerful we are able to create 
both in body and out of body pretty much what we want. For her, it was Oneness, 
for others who still have need for more concrete experience they might go into 
more touchable feel-able worlds.

Not all of this is clear to me. Why do we take these bodies in the first place? 
If God is real, what the heck does he/she want to experience such torment?

It is a bit disconcerting that people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani 
have the feeling/experience that God perceives all that we suffer as being just 
ok, cuz the entire universe is rolling along as it should be.

What I feel is the karma rap, is just that a rap, a belief. That's my deal.

One thing I am curious about, since you thought well of Alexander's book, how 
do you feel about his assertion that God told him that evil was necessary for 
free will to exist?

 From: Yifu <yifux...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in a 
Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals and 
generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into the 
non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately unfathomable, 
nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and effect, karma seems 
to be a storehouse of "good" and "bad" elements, the latter roughly defined as 
baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing evolution toward greater 
Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw attachments and a storehouse 
of prior events.
But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take an 
input of additional "causes" - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal of 
eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient to 
eradicate the storehouse of "bad" karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept the 
concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  Many 
criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. Does their 
bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
happiness; imo. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
> imo, contains elements of "Faux" Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
> have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
> One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
> with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
> and there's no "place" in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
> book of Locale I environments.
> ...
> Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I disagree 
> with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in dire need, 
> trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but at least far 
> from "happy"); let alone those in actual hells as reported in about 10% of 
> NDE's.
> Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is "happy", free of 
> bad karma, and in a non-dual state. 
> http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/2/16015.jpg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was 
> > "trying" to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is what 
> > happened, take it or leave it.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: Yifu <yifuxero@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
> > healing from near terminal cancer.
> > On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
> > suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the 
> > latter pretty much "covering" his points with comments make in anticipated 
> > advance of criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
> > But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
> > ...
> > 1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses 
> > the hemisync technology to precipitate "Journey's out of the Body" (Cf. 
> > book by Robert Monroe).  Briefly, there are (as I recall), three "Locales" 
> > I - an environment similar to that of the earth....houses, people, 
> > landscapes, mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the 
> > earth.
> > .
> > Locale II. An "otherworldly" enviroment, mixing the usual environments with 
> > fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin 
> > to the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
> > .
> > Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences 
> > may be present.
> > ...
> > Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
> > ...
> > Now back to Dr. Alexander:
> > His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of 
> > clashing and grating sounds.  Met up with his deceased Sister.
> > In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
> > In Locale III, merged with the OM.  He equates "God" with the OM and with 
> > Pure Consciousness..
> > ..
> > He's a nominal Christian but didn't see Jesus, nor does he apparently 
> > accept the notion of a personal God.
> > ...
> > Now back to Anita Moorjani:  She seems to have bypassed Locale I and II 
> > altogether, but had telepathic and feeling contact with her dead Dad and 
> > her best friend who previously died of Cancer.
> > ...
> > Then she seems to have merged completely (but temporarily) into Brahman, 
> > and she equates "God" with Being and with "Universal Energy".
> > ...
> > That's about it for these NDE's.
> > http://anitamoorjani.com/
> >


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