--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> You don't die from psychological rape.

Precisely. And your point being?

>You die from being murdered. 

Yes indeedy you do.

> There is a difference.

Yes there is.

>Sorry about that.

Don't be sorry about that Steve. Be sorry that you can not be reasonable in 
this situation though. Be sorry that you are confusing backing up someone you 
like with enabling questionable behaviour. Be sorry that you can not seem to 
see this. Be sorry that if you do see this you are not prepared to be honest 
about it. Be sorry that as you pursue this tack of yours you are looking, well, 
ridiculous. Be sorry that this direction you are taking is going nowhere and 
yet you continue to do so. This is entering the theatre of the absurd and you 
are, evidently, one of the leads. Sorry about that.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Come on Steve, at least concede this point. You only look
> > > > > silly not to admit that it follows if someone said they had
> > > > > been "psychologically raped" by X then it follows that the
> > > > > accuser is saying X is a psychological rapist. To deny this
> > > > > is so makes it appear you either don't know that 1+1=2 or
> > > > > that you have no degree of rational, logical reasoning or
> > > > > that in your efforts to defend someone you are willing to
> > > > > look like a fool.
> > > >
> > > > Think about who we are dealing with Ann. Ms. Editor, Ms.
> > > > Corrector, the person who insists on exactness, but who
> > > > is willing to (attempt, at least) spin any situation to
> > > > try to prove a point. Share did not say those words.
> > > > Judy puts those words in quotes as though she did. To me
> > > > there is a subtle difference between feeling that one was
> > > > "psychologically raped", and calling someone a "psychological
> > > > rapist"
> >
> > That's, um, an idiosyncrasy of yours, Stevie-weevie.
> >
> > A person doesn't get psychologically raped all by
> > themselves. There has to be a person who commits
> > the psychological rape.
> >
> > Is there a subtle difference between saying a person
> > was murdered and calling the person who murdered him
> > a murderer?
> >
> > The quotes around the various versions of the phrase
> > are what is known as "scare quotes." Look it up.
> >
> > > Especially when the equivalence is coming from the
> > > person who screams the loudest when anyone does the
> > > same thing to her, placing something in quotes
> > > ("scare" or otherwise) and (in her eyes) WILLFULLY,
> > > HARMFULLY, and MALEVOLENTLY making it sound as if
> > > she (Judy) said the words in quotes.
> > >
> > > Yet again, it's fine when she does it, but a terrible
> > > crime punishable by The Corrector if anyone else does it.
> >
> > Nice try, Barry, no cigar. Apples and qumquats. You
> > almost always foul up, you know, when you haven't read
> > the thread you're commenting on. Makes you look
> >

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