People will believe all kinds of stuff - a while back, that Drunvalo 
Melchizedek guy was putting his stamp of approval on this water that supposedly 
was energized by some sufi guys or some such, and the claim for the water was 
that it would not only heal people of their ailments, but if poured into a 
lake, pond or stream would clear the water of any and all pollution. People in 
California were paying $400.00 a pint for this stuff. What bullshit.

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 10:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: YAHWEH NUKED US BEFORE TRUMAN--Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. 
(Anthropology, UCLA) Web Radi

--- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > a science-savvy world, these religious sci-fi concepts 
> > are to be expected. Believing that Marduk is an extraterrestrial 
> > is no stranger than believing in astrology or crystal healing.
> I think you are taking this past where I was going initially. 

True, but with reason. It was *he* who took it further,
and you who failed to be able to follow where he took it. 

> I was talking about the particular post made by GN which cited 
> a particularly wild assertion by Sasha Lessin regarding the 
> Earth having been nuked by aliens a very long time ago. In 
> case you have lost the initial guffaw-inspired reaction you 
> no doubt had when first reading this little gem let me refresh 
> your memory:
> "3,663 years ago, Yahweh, known then as Enlil, a 9 -12 foot 
> fully Homo Sapien ET from the Planet Nibiru, 49 astronomical 
> units from Earth, ordered nuclear attacks on the people and 
> cities south of the (thence) Dead Sea in Canaan and on a 
> spaceport he ran in Sinai. The fallout immediately blew over
> and killed most of the Sumerian Earthlings--those loyal to 
> Yahweh."
> If you would like to continue to defend statements like these 
> as perfectly in line with other beliefs that run rampant among 
> the human race, be my guest. 

Salyavin was doing no such thing. He was EQUATING 
beliefs like this with beliefs in things like astrology
or crystal healing, saying (if I got what he was saying)
that these beliefs are in the SAME ballpark of crazy as
aliens nuking the planet 3,663 years ago. 

I agree with him. And that's not even venturing into
the realm of belief in things like a guy turning water
into wine or rising from the dead or Ganesha leaping
from mainland India to Ceylon or beings like Krishna,
Rama, and Sita ever having existed. Or that the direction 
a building faces affects you, or that by closing your
eyes and mentally repeating a Magic Word you've been
given, you can personally experience what Einstein
referred to as the Unified Field. 

ALL of these beliefs are fuckin' BONKERS, seen from the
point of view of someone -- anyone -- who has not spent
years or decades being indoctrinated into them. 

What I think you may have missed in Salyavin's post is
that he was making the case that the *extremity* of
this particular set of beliefs can be seen as a metaphor
for the extremity of ALL religious/spiritual beliefs,
if you just step back from them and view them critically,
devoid of pre-programmed acceptance. 

> But all I'm saying is that I am pretty sure that anyone 
> who would believe this particular theory isn't likely to 
> be having afternoon tea at my abode; I prefer not to hang 
> out with crazies.

Yet on this forum you "hang out" with people whose beliefs
are *just* as ludicrous, when seen without the overlay of
decades of indoctrination. You would be hanging out with
people just as crazy (from my point of view) if you hung
out with fundamentalist Christians, or orthodox Jews, or
Hindus or even some Southeast Asian flavors of Buddhists. 

Once they have bought into a belief system, they *lose
the ability to look at their beliefs critically, the way
someone who does not buy into them would*. The person
who came up with this jiveass horseshit about aliens
nuking the Middle East three millennia ago CANNOT SEE

Neither can anyone equally invested in *their* particular
belief system. They are so *used to* and *immersed in*
the belief system as to no longer be able to understand
how anyone else could not be. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. People regularly post the
same old propaganda here about "the latest TM research," 
and are AMAZED that people aren't creaming their jeans 
over it the way that they are. People post exhortations 
to "come back to the domes" to save the world, completely
unaware that to many of us, the idea of them bouncing on
their collective butts twice a day as a mechanism *for*
saving the world is JUST as insane as Yahweh nuking the 
Middle East three millennia ago. 

One *picks* the crazies one hangs out with, that's all. 


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