​​I was inspired to revisit match dot com today, I don't expect anything
out of it nor have too much emotional investment in it but I loved
articulating myself on what I would want. So FWIW - enjoy !!!

OK I have revamped my profile and hope to make hay (find love) while the
sun shines (my subscription stays current).

The foremost quality that I would like in my partner is one who is on a
journey to self-knowledge. Someone who is always willing to examine all
modalities - whether it be religion, science or psychology, willing to to
be on a quest for self-inquiry, self-discovery, self-exploration.

Willing to go as far as the intellect can go, yet retain the love, sense of
joy and wonder, curiosity about life. Not let any belief - be it religion
or science constrain their self-expression, self-freedom and deprive
themselves from this wonder, awe and innocence. Understands the paradox of
the guilt, the burden a loving, creative person feels, this existential
despair yet retaining the love, the joy, the vulnerability.

Didn't Jesus say - the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the childlike? I'm sure
that's what he was referring to. Didn't Einstein regret spending his whole
life trying to de-mystify the Universe?

Someone who strives to be emotionally, psychologically intelligent, to
achieve emotional, psychological sophistication.

Understands that life is too dynamic, truth is dynamic to be wrapped into
beliefs even it be values such as peace, non-violence, humility not that
they wouldn't be peaceful or humble. An authentic expression of anger,
especially in a woman, is more beautiful than an inauthentic laugh,
authentic arrogance more beautiful than pseudo humility. Understands that
conflict leads to growth and is not conflict-averse.

Someone who is socially very liberal, reaches out to others with love and
compassion and understands the values of responsibility and accountability
for oneself, morality, ethics for oneself not as a curve-ball, fastball to
judge, condemn others or wallow in hatred like conservatives.

Someone who is an INFJ or even ISFJ on Myers-Brigss Type Indicator and has
lots of 6's and 9's on the Enneagram.

Perhaps what I have said finds an intuitive resonance with you? You find
this journey as I do? As exciting as a trip to Peru? Or Paris? Or the
cruise to Bahamas?

If not I hope I have at least entertained you. Perhaps I evoked the
feelings of pity and sympathy for my naivete, my hopeless idealism,
romanticism? Perhaps foreseeing a life of loneliness for me? No worries - I
may be a hopeless romantic, my heart may have deceived me several times in
the past but I have learned the art of indulging in the fantasies fueled by
my hopeless romanticism yet not let myself veer too far away from reality.
I am a laid-back, contented person so I would rather indulge and wallow in
my fantasy than cause misery and pain to myself and a potential partner by
making a wrong choice.

Now coming to the rest - as you may have already guessed I watch too many
romantic comedies, sentimental tearjerker dramas on Netflix, love books,
love reading religion, philosophy (Nope - I'm not a therapist or
psychologist or have a degree in Philosophy, I actually have a Science

I love the beach, the sunsets, the crescent and the full moons at Sunset,
hate to go to the gym but always feel good after. I love work, am a
software professional, mature, smart, intelligent, independent and expect
the same in my future partner. I'm very Eastern at heart but totally
Western, if that's not obvious, in my self-expression. I love travel,
music, I'm pretty much up for any life affirming activity.

Anything else please message me.

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