Enjoyed this piece. For me, it's a light-hearted way to shake me up a little 
and be more aware to endeavor to hear my own heart.

I like the first comment on the blog: 
Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on April 26, 2013 - 1:42pm.
"and then freedom, or awakening becomes the 'cult' ... we never escape ..."



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> From: Integral Spiritual Practice
> [mailto:integralpractice@...] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 12:01 PM
> To: rick@...
> Subject: Are you in a cult?
> Dear Rick,
> Are you in a cult?
> Here's the short answer: "You bet." And, worse, it's most likely an
> invisible cult!
> Okay, you're probably not a member of "a new religious movement or other
> group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre by the
> larger society".
> But you're almost certainly a member in good standing of the Public Cult of
> the World, whose beliefs and practices are bizarre and abnormal by any
> objective healthy standard. After all, as the Dalai Lama has pointed out, in
> the Cult of the World you:
> "...sacrifice your health in order to make money. Then you sacrifice money
> to recuperate your health. Then you are so anxious about the future that you
> don't enjoy the present: the result being that you do not live in the
> present or the future; you live as if you are never going to die, and then
> you die having never really lived."
> It's a totally crazy way to live, when you look directly at it! But among us
> members of the ubiquitous and invisible Cult, it seems the natural order of
> things, unremarkable and inevitable. The Cult reinforces and conceals a
> great many other unwritten rules, invisible beliefs and unexamined
> assumptions too. (One example: the Cult inculcates you day and night with
> the message that you're a separate individual who must compete to "succeed"
> and build up a big, impressive ego-domain, or otherwise you're a "failure".)
> Some of the Cult's beliefs may be crazy (and make you miserable) but as soon
> as you start questioning them, you're the one who's risking madness. After
> all, you'd be departing from the Public Cult of the World's "consensus
> reality" (which is what defines insanity).
> One of the strictest rules of the Cult is the taboo against acknowledging
> that the Cult even exists. Thus, every day while you're working hard and
> focusing intelligently on your priorities, you're also being lulled back
> into being oblivious to the Cult and its bondage.
> You're being drawn into what consciousness researcher Charles Tart memorably
> dubbed "the Consensus Trance".  He described it as "a state of partly
> suspended animation, of stupor, of inability to function at [y]our maximum
> level... [dominated by] automatic and conditioned patterns of perception,
> thinking, feeling and behaving..."
> Is there any escape from the Cult? Sure, but here's the paradox: to leave
> the Cult you'll have to risk being seen as...joining a cult! The official
> Public Cult of the World won't provide any support if you want to wake up
> from the consensus trance. And if you find someone who has in some sense
> awakened and who offers to help you wake up, or if you band together with
> others for mutual support in waking up from the trance so you can leave the
> Cult....now that's when your family might start to ask "Hey, have you joined
> a cult"?
> Maddeningly, your family (and critics) will probably be right! Most small
> groups, however healthy and intelligent their premises might be, readily
> develop "groupthink" dynamics that can easily become unhealthy, and even
> dangerously "cultic".
> And yet without support and teaching, you're just going to be sucked back
> into the consensus trance and the mediocrity of the Public Cult of the
> World.
> What to do? 
> Well, you can recognize that the consensus trance and the "programming" of
> the Cult is everywhere and that going in and out of trance is a constant,
> on-going process. As you do, it will become obvious that waking up from the
> trance needs to happen again and again, in many little moments of choice.
> This is what I mean by "practice" --- that choice to live deliberately, to
> embrace a way of life that's fully alive, always evolving, spontaneously
> in-the-moment, self-aware, humorous and free. (This is the core of the
> "Integral Spiritual Practice
> <http://click.e.evolvingwisdom.com/?qs=25c601ea8e0de1d61695affe716d537855c77
> 379117f20a921a45c29a6b5363e05cb13fd718cfdc9> " I teach.)
> From this perspective, yes, you're in the big Cult, the one that keeps
> re-hypnotizing you back into the consensus trance. The point is this: you
> can "leave the cult" now --- in this very moment. May you do so, and may you
> keep leaving it, by waking up! Again and again and again --- every day, for
> the rest of your life.
> To your practice and awakening and freedom,
> Terry
> P.S. If you'd like to comment on this blog you can do so here
> <http://click.e.evolvingwisdom.com/?qs=25c601ea8e0de1d6d814fa7ddb98dce1b67dc
> d1b067775bab011d9905329524d43cec6b0fb51020d> . 
> <http://click.e.evolvingwisdom.com/open.aspx?ffcb10-fe9a16757767047574-fdf61
> 6717462027f7c117777-fea315707364077f75-fecb167076670c79-fe2617727664027a701c
> 77-ff981675&d=40026>

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