One of my favorite quotes about the curious nature of 
religion and the pursuit of the "spiritual" is: "You 
know you've created God in your own image when he 
hates the same people you do."

This quote has been attributed to several people, from
Anne Lamott to Gordon Charrick to everybody *except*
Pat Robertson and other holier-than-thou types, but 
whoever said it first, I think they were onto something.
Just as people tend to project idealized human qualities
onto the Invisible Man In The Sky they conceive of as
God, they tend to project similarly human qualities 
onto him as well -- wrath, harshness, and above all
the ability to Hold A Grudge. We're talking, after all, 
about the same God (or whatever euphemism one uses for 
the concept) who -- according to the world's scriptures 
-- thought nothing of nuking Sodom and Gommorrah and 
wiping out an entire culture of people in India for 
the unforgivable sin of Pissing Him Off. 

All of this leads me to a recurring phraseology and way
of saying things that one encounters here on FFL. Some
folks are overly fond of saying things like, "It's grat-
ifying to see you finally reaping the karma for things
you've said here," and stuff like that. We've literally
seen people on this forum claim that Hurricane Katrina
was because of the Laws Of Nature giving those evil folks
in New Orleans their "just desserts" for indulging in 
sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, or whatever Bad Things they
were doing. We've seen the same people claim the same
things about floods causing destruction in Iowa City
while sparing Fairfield. I guess the reason for this
is that IC is their local variant of Sin City, and had
nothing to do with there being no rivers near Fairfield. :-)

Anyway, I'm just rapping about this in the hope that 
the NEXT time someone here claims to "know" what another
person in the public eye (like Lindsay Lohan or George
W. Bush or Obama or whoever) or on this forum (like the
"known sinners" such as Curtis, Edg, Vaj and myself)
"deserve" as karma or as divine retribution from God or
the Laws Of Nature that people will realize that what's 
really going on is that they're projecting their OWN 
hatred, not God's. Not the Laws Of Nature's. 

Sometimes the sheer *vehemence* of such statements 
shocks even me, even after watching the antics of cultists
and True Believers for years. When Judy claims to "know"
what karma Share "deserves," or when Nabby says that Rick
"deserves" to burn in Hell for creating FFL and spreading
rumors about his girlfriend Maharishi, I never lose sight
of the fact that it's their OWN hatreds they're giving
voice to, not some insight into How Things Really Work. 

They're expressing their HOPES that Bad Things will or
should happen to the people they hate, that's all. 

And they'll find a way to interpret anything that *does*
happen to these people they hate AS the karma they 
"deserve." Sometimes I think that if one of the people
on their Enemies List lived to a ripe old age, having
made millions of dollars and having given away most of
it away to worthy causes, having won the Nobel Peace
Prize or having received accolades from most of the
people on the planet, and having finally died peace-
fully while surrounded by loved ones, they'd find a 
way to declare that he'd finally gotten his "just
desserts." They'd find a way to claim that his death
was some kind of "karma" or the "final verdict of the
Laws Of Nature." 

What hubris. What *appalling* ego. 

None of these people "know" shit. They have No Fucking
Idea what the Laws Of Nature "intend," or even that
they exist, or have the ability to intend anything. 
They're just spouting their OWN hatred, cloaked in the 
holier-than-thou language of spiritual bullshit. 

Next time this happens, call them on it. THAT might
be considered "karma." 

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