--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > I recall that Maharishi once said that TM'ers (both practitioners 
> > and teachers) shouldn't be looking at other paths because it 
> > looked like you were still "seeking" an answer and had not 
> > "found" it in TM. IOW, bad PR. It's not unusual in India if 
> > a certain path or teacher doesn't work out that you move on 
> > to something else.  Of course westerners were "noobs" at 
> > all this yoga stuff and didn't know that.
> > 
> > To me it is interesting that here on FFL there are still after 
> > all these years a lot of "seekers" and a few "finders" whether 
> > the latter feel they've found it through TM or some other path. 
> >  Which are you?
> Neither. 
> I feel that "seeking" is a way of saying that one is 
> trying to bend the universe to your will and make it
> supply something limited to your feeble expectations.
> Fortunately, the universe rarely complies. How sad
> if it did, and people got stuck with their limited
> *ideas* of what enlightenment is. I suspect that the
> majority of people who claim to have "found" are in
> that situation, having settled for their own precon-
> ceptions, and thus their limitations.

When seeking consciously starts, and you find something you call a path, that 
does not end seeking, you get or do not get some guidance, but it does not 
placate seeking, it just channels it. That you found a path does not mean it is 
going to work for you. For me seeking came to an end one day, and the 
experience was not remotely like what I expected, though in retrospect, I was 
certainly told in a number of different ways. While seeking is gone, there is 
work to do. Just about everyone here on FFL has been helpful in some way; it is 
not what I want from them (help), but things they say that trigger insight that 
helps clarify. This is because a single mind has limitations. More minds, more 

Arguing with Robin was like being suffocated.
Arguing with Judy is kind of like vivisection.
Arguing with Turq (rare) is like driving into a concrete bunker at 200kph

Arguing with DrDumbass is an in progress. I do not have any sense of a handle 
on him at present.

That is an approximation of my impression.

Though (spiritual) seeking can go away, there is no end to finding, even if you 
run out of places to look. For me Turq was the most helpful, even if he did not 
intend to be. Others might be aghast at that, for example, Judy does not look 
upon Turq with a grain of admiration. To me he is a practical sort of fellow, 
without a lot of nonsense.

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