--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > (snip)
> > (to Xeno)
> > > I honestly don't remember us ever "arguing." What
> > > I remember is that when you first arrived you seemed
> > > anxious to engage me in endless back-and-forth, a la
> > > Judy, and I was having none of it.
> >
> > For the record, it's been a *very* long time since
> > there was any point in trying to engage Barry in an
> > actual discussion. What's odd is that he still
> > considers any comment a critic of his may make about
> > him as an attempt to start an argument with him. I
> > guess that way he can tell himself he's in some kind
> > of control. It sure hasn't dissuaded his critics
> > from expressing their opinions of him, though.
> >
> > > I just don't get
> > > off on that, that's all. It smacks of ego to me, of
> > > having something to "prove," or "win." I just spout
> > > opinions; what other people do with them is their
> > > own business.
> >
> > In fact, years ago, Barry *reveled* in long debates.
> > Somewhere along the line he realized he wasn't all
> > that good at debating and figured he'd be better off
> > adopting the position he outlines above so as not to
> > expose his deficiencies. Also saves him the trouble
> > of having to think through his opinions if he's not
> > going to need to defend them.
> >
> Oh Hail Him! He is an author, unchallenged, composing an entire
library to himself. The best stuff he's ever written, and read, in his
opinion, unsullied by any attempt at discussion, refinement, clarity, or
alternative thought; The Great Writer.
> The [stupid, egotistical] public may be fortunate enough, to look over
the shoulder, of The Great Writer, as he furiously scribbles another
book, to himself. This is ONLY possible, as long as they maintain either
strict silence, or make soft, supportive cooing sounds. Anything else
will NOT be tolerated.
> Actual attempts at discussion will be sussed out by The Great Writer,
for what they really are: Stabs of *hatred* into the center of his
sacred heart, interrupting the divine flow of endless words that issues
from his pen, to be stored, and poured over, without the pure malice
that issues from the unwashed fools constantly surrounding The Great

> Let us all back off, and let the magic continue from The Great
Writer...his words issuing forth, as effortlessly as a drunk emptying
his bladder on the street. We are in awe.

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