Ann, fortunately in FF men are not into wearing toupees but many do sport 
Biblical beards, which I suppose could wave in the wind.  As for the cereal 
image, Obi Wan would say that the food Force runs strong in the Woelfle family 
line.  And as for Robin, he seems to be limiting himself to an occasional drive 
by feather riffling on FFL.  Perhaps a sign of more mature years?  

 From: Ann <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Commencement speech about the value of Tantra


--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> I agree with you Ann in principle, but there are a lot of other reasons which 
> have to do with millions who were initiated no longer doing TM and for those 
> who do, tons of them have gotten screwed many times over by the people who 
> own and run the Domes so they stay away. 
> As I said before, the only real solution is Rick for MUM President, Buck to 
> be in charge of the Domes and TMSP group programs (yes he will probably have 
> a stick handy to beat the asses of anyone who sleeps during Program or is 
> obviously ill with a sneezing contagion) but hey, the numbers will be high 
> and alert.
> This will only work if ownership of the TMO itself is taken away from Bevan, 
> Johnnie Hagelin and the other Rajas and of course taken away from the 
> Srivastavas boys and Girish. 
> I nominate either Sal, Edg, Barry or Curtis to take over and make it right. 

Oh and don't forget Robin who could provide some of the excitement of 
'Apocalypse Now' as he arranges for helicopters to hover over the campus, 
blowing toupee's this way and that and otherwise ruffling the sari-wearing 
female population. He was always good at riffling a few feathers. I am sure, in 
his more mature years he can come up with an even bigger idea. Wouldn't it be 
great to 'salt' the foam with tons of Corn Flakes? Can you just imagine the 
crunching that would emanate the moment the bell goes to start everyone 
hopping? Perhaps the leaky roofs would allow milk to be poured over the group, 
kind of like soma, and perhaps a little sugar as well. Turn the Dome upside 
down and you have the biggest bowl of cereal in the world then phone the 
Guinness Book of World Records and MUM would really make headlines. I'm a 

> That would of course mean that David Lynch would have to go peddle some other 
> nostrums somewheres else. 
> ________________________________
>  From: Ann <awoelflebater@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:19 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Commencement speech about the value of Tantra
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Om son;  Fine speak, But it is important that we place 
> > > limits on some things to protect people where there is 
> > > a public interest.  -Buck 
> > 
> > There is NO "public interest" in creating a climate
> > in which people are either discouraged from or 
> > prevented from speaking about or dealing with the
> > cognitive dissonance caused by the difference between 
> > how an organization *claims* to be and how it really 
> > is. Or how the dogma of that organization *says* that 
> > things work, and how things seem to really work. Or 
> > whether the organization's *claims* about the supposed 
> > benefits of TM (or any other technique or belief system) 
> > actually happen.
> > 
> > Those who do not challenge their own assumptions or the
> > things they've been told to believe on a regular basis 
> > are in a state of stasis, one that tends to perpetuate 
> > myths and unacceptable behavior. As an example, you 
> > continue to play the "blame game" for why the "dome 
> > numbers" haven't "worked" as advertised, but never once 
> > have I heard you try out as an explanation, "Uh...possibly 
> > because the claims about the ME are not TRUE." 
> > 
> > The "problem" with the "dome numbers" isn't that people 
> > are no longer being paid to go there. It's that they 
> > *had* to be paid in the first place to go there. 
> Actually, if the place where the domes existed was not in the middle of 
> nowhere then people might not have to be paid to come. The fact that there 
> are limited job opportunities, career options and businesses able to support 
> a huge influx of people is also a factor in the need for subsidies for people 
> leaving their jobs and homes elsewhere. Of course, most people who have 
> established families, a working career and roots elsewhere are pretty 
> unlikely to be the ones leaving that all behind in order to hop around for 
> money.
> >If the 
> > "program" were as beneficial as it was claimed to be, and 
> > if people actually enjoyed doing it, no "stipends" would 
> > ever have been necessary. If there had been any noticeable 
> > and verifiable real-world benefits of people doing 
> > "program," that too would have been noticed, and 
> > responded to. 
> > 
> > If you honestly want people to continue to flock to
> > this boondoggle, find some way to demonstrate to them
> > that it has value of any kind -- either to them or
> > to the world at large. If you cannot do so, then
> > don't point fingers at the "administrators" and try
> > to blame things on them. 
> > 
> > Joss' speech is about *embracing* cognitive dissonance,
> > not ignoring it or pretending it isn't there. There
> > is wisdom and potential benefit in doing so. There is
> > none that I can see in continuing to do the same old
> > same old and hoping that some day it'll turn out as
> > advertised. 
> > 
> > "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty 
> > is absurd."
> > -- Voltaire
> > 
> > "Re-examine all you've been told. Dismiss what 
> > insults your soul." 
> > -- Walt Whitman
> > 
> > "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest 
> > enemy of truth." 
> > -- Albert Einstein
> > 
> > "If the path before you is clear, you're probably 
> > on someone else's." 
> > -- Joseph Campbell
> > 
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Great commencement speech by the person I think it the
> > > > best storyteller in modern film or television, a true
> > > > visionary who manages to embrace all sides of everything
> > > > he writes, and with humor and compassion. He touches on
> > > > what I would call the value of cognitive dissonance, and
> > > > what he calls "the dissent in yourself." Ignoring that
> > > > is a way to miss life; embracing it is a way to live 
> > > > that turns life into LIFE.
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >


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