The reality outside of the incestuous guru-groupie ashrams of
US/Europe/pseudo-India is far from the reality. MMY's edicts to prevent
his psychophants from "contamination" by other truths was a control move
to guarantee kowtowing fidelity.

For years, people traveling to India could (and did) explore other
practices. In India it was even recommended by other gurus so that their
followers could get a bearing on the ideas and praxis that were
significant to their sampradaya.

--- In, "Susan"  wrote:
> Nabby, the truth is that the no saint policy came directly from MMY. 
It was his very own and clear directive all along. It may be that a
decision will be made to loosen up on that policy. But as far as I know,
the entire movement is functioning under that same rule.  Anything
otherwise is considered OTP, altho no one in other countries may know
about other saints or care so much as in the US.
> --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > > The Prime Minister in this problem with the saints has created the
movement culture of an underground of meditators.  He makes it very
difficult for there to be success in the ME of meditation.
> >
> > Buck, are you on Facebook ? Seek out Anamay Ashram, all Vedic, run
by Governors. They just had a visit from a Saint. Very cosy and private.
He was very pleased with the progress there and gave his blessings.
> >
> > You must understand that the no-saint-policy is stritcly an american
policy and is hardly observed anywhere else, if at all. Just go with the
flow or emigrate.
> >

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