--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > <snip more Judyposturing>

Translation: I'm going to snip the bitch's humiliating
demolition of all the crap I made up about Robin that I
was so proud of and make up an even bigger load of crap
about *her*. That'll show everybody I don't give a shit
that she makes me look like a fool, right? Right??

> > Plus which, from the very beginning of Robin's tenure
> > on FFL, Barry has been eaten alive by jealousy because
> > Robin has gotten so much more attention than Barry has.
> Methinks the lady doth project too much. :-)
> That's what SHE is here on FFL. And she's so limited 
> in her thinking that she believes that's why others 
> are here, too. 
> We ARE talking, after all, about the person that the
> Posting Limits were invented FOR. One of the reasons
> she's so obsessed with me is that I was the one who
> first brought up her tendency to write literally
> *hundreds* of posts, flooding this forum with post
> after post after post after post after post, week
> after week after week, month after month after month,
> trying desperately to be *the* focus of attention 
> through sheer numbers and sheer volume of vitriol. 
> Rick caught a clue from my comments (and those of 
> many others, including many who had left the forum 
> because of her) and took that obsessive-compulsive, 
> attention-seeking, stuck-at-home-with-nothing-else-
> to-do advantage away from her. He limited her to the 
> same amount of posts that everyone else gets to make. 
> She's been on an insane crusade to "get Barry" ever
> since, even more than she was before. 
> Being deprived of her primary -- and very possibly
> *only* -- mechanism for getting attention was the 
> biggest defeat she ever suffered, and Judy Stein 
> doth not suffer defeat lightly. 
> That's one way of looking at the situation. There
> are others. Maybe she just argues compulsively 
> and stalks her enemies because that's all she CAN 
> do, and the attention-seeking is way of hiding her
> inability to write anything creative or original. 
> Who really knows.
> All I know is that after all these years it's
> still fun to dash off a post that I know in advance
> will push her over the edge and inspire her to pour
> out more vitriol than usual. Last night's short
> mention of Robin worked like a charm in that regard. :-)

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