--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > Share,
> > 
> > Oprah's natal chart looks powerful.  IMO, the exalted Saturn in the 12th 
> > house is the planet that's giving her much success and money.  In the 
> > Brighu Nandi Nadi technique, Saturn is the significator for work and 
> > career.  In her chart, Jupiter is also having a bhava drishti (aspect) to 
> > Saturn.  Thus, her work success is multiplied many folds.
> > 
> > Since her 12th house is strong, she will do well in philanthropy and 
> > meditation.  If she stays with the TMO, she can easily be a Siddha and 
> > perhaps be one of the Rajahs in the organization.
> So, money with a willingness to give it away buys power, influence and 
> position. Some things never change.
> > 
Some are allowed to question things and still be welcomed in the domes? I like 
the boots, just not usual Raja garb. (no tin hat.) :)  

> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > >
> > > John, that is fascinating about the stones and the healing sounds. Of 
> > > course everything is vibration so it makes sense to me that anything can 
> > > be used to heal. If one has the beneficial knowledge. I remember once in 
> > > DC a reporter asked Dr. Triguna about using light for healing and he 
> > > replied that it was a very powerful form of healing, especially using 
> > > light via gems.
> > > 
> > > I just received a newsletter from jyotishi Sam Geppi talking about the 
> > > Moon's situation this coming week. I was glad to hear that the Saturn 
> > > Rahu conjunction is receiving help from Jupiter. But then the Moon
> > >  will be debilitated plus getting an aspect from Mars. Glad I had a Mars 
> > > puja recently.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Here's what a friend sent about our drekkanas.  Our lagnas are 1 degree 
> > > apart and our Moons are in the same nakshatra!
> > > "The 1st drekkana Libra ascending suggests a
> > >                   courteous, affable, kind and affectionate disposition.
> > >                   The fate is mostly in the hands of others, as there is
> > >                   little ability to mould or alter circumstances. The
> > >                   native is controlled principally by feeling and
> > >                   intuition, more so than reason. He is keen of
> > >                   observation, fond of company, and generally very
> > >                   artistic, refined and truly sympathetic. There is not
> > >                   much energy or incentive to action, and consequently
> > >                   life tends to run in grooves as the native is prone to
> > >                   lean on others for support. "
> > > 
> > > He also send me a chart I've been wanting to see, Oprah's!
> > > 
> > > 29 January 1954 at 04:30am CST
> > > She has Rahu in the 1st. Conjunct Chiron. Venus
> > >                   combust with Uranus and Ketu in the 7th.
> > > Loose grand trine of Merc, Jupiter and Neptune.
> > > 
> > > Jyotish:
> > > http://www.barbarapijan.com/bpa/Commerce/commerce28_Oprah_Winfrey.htm
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ________________________________
> > >  From: John <jr_esq@>
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 11:34 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Patanjali's Sutra Relating to the Navel 
> > > Chakra
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > Share,
> > > 
> > > There's jyotish literature that splits the body in three ways depending 
> > > on the drekkana (10 degrees) that one is born in.  For example, if you 
> > > were born with the lagna on the first drekkana, then the rashi chart 
> > > would show the head to the shoulder of the individual.
> > > 
> > > The other two drekkanas would refer to the torso and the lower parts of 
> > > the body.  If you have a medical background, you can do some  fascinating 
> > > research on this subject.  IMO, it's possible to pinpoint the root of the 
> > > disease at the cellular level and even the DNA level just by using the 
> > > rashi chart and the various varga charts.
> > > 
> > > Theoretically, one can see the medical issues of a person before it 
> > > starts.  But the fruit of the knowledge is to know the cures for the 
> > > various diseases.  In the Vedic culture, the cure lies in the ayurvedic 
> > > herbs and mantras.
> > > 
> > > A few months ago, I saw a video about the Egyptian culture and the 
> > > pyramids.  One traditional keeper of the knowledge stated that the 
> > > ancient Egyptians cured people by sounds.  He showed some huge granite 
> > > stones that were carved like dishes.  He believed that these stones were 
> > > used for treating people, while lying on the stone, with sounds.  He did 
> > > not know the details of how the stones were able to do this.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > John, this is fascinating about the left and right brains and upper and 
> > > > lower charts. Whoops, my secret is out. I still prefer the Western 
> > > > circular chart form to either of the jyotish chart forms. I prefer the 
> > > > circular chart because it graphically shows both the ascendent as 
> > > > earth's horizon and the chart as the face of a clock, which can be 
> > > > useful for guessing about ascendents when the exact birth time is not 
> > > > known. For example, cusp of first house is 6 am, cusp of 10th house is 
> > > > 12 noon, etc.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Thank you for wish about my Dad. I sent him a fruit pie from Harry and 
> > > > David.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > ________________________________
> > > >  From: John <jr_esq@>
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 1:07 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Patanjali's Sutra Relating to the Navel Chakra
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > Aside from suggesting the knowledge of the various chakras, it can be 
> > > > assumed that the navel chakra refers to the birth chart which 
> > > > systematically shows the organization of the human body.  Specifically, 
> > > > the first house refers to the head and the 12th house refers to the 
> > > > feet.
> > > > 
> > > > The birth chart can also refer to the brain of the human being.  The 
> > > > first six houses refer to the right side of the brain.  And, the last 
> > > > six house refer to the left side of the brain.
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.india-astrologer.com/vedic_astrology/Medical-Astrology/aries.html
> > > >
> > >
> >

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