On 06/28/2013 04:59 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> The local and state police are watching you too -
>>> not just the NSA...
> Bhairitu:
>> Speculation is for an EMF attack which to me wouldn't
>> make sense because it would piss off the very rich as
>> it would effect their business...
> One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters is to
> 'raid a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with
> negative rants in large numbers just for kicks - lulz.
> Thank God respondents are allowed only 50 posts per week
> on Yahoo! FFL or else we'd be hacked and shut down by
> the pirates and the hackers.
> According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, Anonymous will
> conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the
> Church of Scientology: Project Chanology, soon.

I don't think FFL or the TMO is even remotely on Anonymous's radar. You 
have nothing to fear, Willy.

In other news I don't think anyone posted this video of Russell Brand 
taking over the  Morning Joe show on MSNBC where he gave the anchors a 
well deserved mocking.

Also got a kick out of this video satire about how Americans are 
manipulated by the government:

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