Here's an interesting article about a thing that most 
people have developed a phobia about -- dining out alone.
In most places, the staff treats you like a leper if you
ask for a "table for one." 

At this place in Amsterdam, somebody decided to do some-
thing about that bad 'tude. After all, some of us are
really *looking* for a quiet dinner to ourselves after
having to deal with coworkers all day. And in the 
Netherlands (this place is in Amsterdam), it's even
more of a breakthrough because local custom declares
that even if you're two people but sitting at a table
for four in a crowded place, two more people are likely
to come up and sit down at your table. 

That's nice and all if you're looking to meet new people,
but not so nice if you're really looking for a little
"alone time" after a hectic day. So I wish this restau-
rant luck, and hope its example spreads.

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